Lando gets food poisoning before the brazilian gp

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Lando)I woke up to the plane about to land in São Paulo I was so happy I woke Daniel up and told him we were landing once it landed we both got out and the rest of the mclaren team got out and we went and roamed about for abit until the other drivers arrived we all got taxis to the hotel near the gp circuit it was like 8pm at night so we all went into the buffet and got eating no one picked the fries but me and after we ate my stomach felt weird but I brushed it off as something else and we all went to bed the next day was Friday which was qualifying and practice day but I felt really ill for some reason I don't think it was a good idea eating those fries last night I ran to the toilet in the hotel and threw up I heard a knock on my door once I'd finished I got up and opened the door it was dani and the mclaren team they gasped "you don't look so good Lando" dani said "I know I think I got food poisoning from eating those fries last night in the buffet and I just threw up" I said dani helped me back to bed and put a bucket by my bed so I didn't have to get up and run to the toilet to throw up "uhmm can one you go tell everyone that Lando will be missing out on practice today please" dani said one of them nodded and went

Lando)I woke up to the plane about to land in São Paulo I was so happy I woke Daniel up and told him we were landing once it landed we both got out and the rest of the mclaren team got out and we went and roamed about for abit until the other driv...

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Lando)everyone else left me to care for myself so I did 5hours later dani came in again "hey mate how you feeling" dani asked me "abit better still feel like shit but I feel better thanks for being such a good friend dani" I said "oh it's fine mate" he said I nodded he told me to get as much rest as needed so I did and the next day I was feeling well enough for quali dani was still keeping and eye on me until we had to get ready for quali so we did and we got in the car and we went round I missed most of quali since Im still not 100% I'm about 30% so I'm no where near there anyway 4hours later quali was finished and we were on our way out until I got stopped for an interview "uhmm so sorry Lando but we didn't see you on the track at all yesterday could you tell us why" the interviewer asked "uhmmm I've got food poisoning so I wasn't here yesterday but I'm feeling better still sick though very sick but I'm feeling abit better just gonna go to bed straight away when we're back at the hotel thank you" I said and walked away I fell asleep straight away when we got to the hotel

Skip to the next day)

Lando)I woke up feeling very sick I went and threw up in the toilet just as dani opened my door and came straight to rub my back once I finished I thanked him "Lando you can't do quali like this" he said "n-no I'll be fine please just give me s-some t-time please" I said "ok we'll see how you feel later before quali ok" he said I nodded and went back to bed for abit until dani came and told me we had to go for quali I groaned as I got up but I went and did quali fine apart from having to miss a few minutes of quali to throw up or drink as much water as needed when quali ended I went straight back to the hotel I just walked straight past the interviewers and went straight to bed the next day came quickly I threw up 3 times in the morning twice without anyone and the 3rd time dani was with me we made it to the track and every driver was making sure I was ok I just said yeh I just don't feel well then we were at our place I went and sat down abit to weak to stand up for this long once it was time for the race me dani and everyone else got in our cars and did the formation lap once were all back on the grid I was starting p7 dani was p8 and once it was lights out and away we go I went straight on and got a few places ahead I only went into 5th not bad and 17 laps in I needed a pit stop I didn't feel that bad anymore so I felt fine to do the race apart from that I'm gonna be all sweaty tomorrow but oh well I finished as a DNF because my car lost powers dani was a DNF aswell cuz he crashed so yeh that was a bad race anyway we got to the hotel I went straight bed fell asleep and the next day I felt soooo much better

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