Goodbye Townsville, Hello Megaville

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The girls packed their suitcases and stuffed them in their car. They were upset at the fact they would have to say goodbye to their childhood home.

Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles entered the car and sat in their seats. "Buckle up girls, it's going to be a long drive!" The Professor said, he was excited about the move.

A fresh new start, he thought, it's going to be great!

The Professor started the car and drove off. The girls looked out the window and saw their old house. They all frowned. "I'm going to miss Townsville," Bubbles cried.

"Me too," Blossom agreed.

Buttercup crossed her arms and muttered, "why do we have to move to stupid Megaville anyways..."

After the long, quiet, and boring drive they've finally arrived to Megaville. To their new house, where they'd attend a new school, make new friends and new enemies. Bubbles peeked out the window to observe her new house. It looked similar to their old one, in fact it looked exactly the same.

Blossom noticed this and raised an eyebrow at it.

Weird, she thought.

Professor parked the car and stopped. He twisted and pulled out the key and removed his foot from the pedal.

"Come on girls, get out your suitcases, go and pick out your rooms and start unpacking." Professor said.

The girls sluggardly left the car and lugged their suitcases out of the trunk. The Professor reached into his pockets and searched for the key to the new house. He pulled it out and unlocked the house.

The girls dragged their suitcases into the house and flew up the stairs. They went into each room, deciding which one they liked the most. "I call dibs on this room!" Buttercup yelled; she dashed inside the room farthest left. "I'll take this one!" Bubbles called. She zoomed into the room.

Blossom looked at her last remaining options. Room 1: way too big, clearly a master bedroom, would be better for the Professor than for me. Room 2: too dim, I need light for when I'm reading or studying, could be a guest room instead. Room 3: good amount of light, not too dim but also not too bright that it blinds my eyes. Pretty big but it will do, I'll have a lot of room for books; walk in closet, something bubbles would prefer rather than me. Baby pink walls, perfect.

"I'll take this one!" Blossom yelled and pointed at room 3. She flew inside the room and started unpacking her stuff.

{Time Skip}

The girls were just about done unpacking, when suddenly the Professor called the triplets down for dinner. He'd made four warm plates of spaghetti and meatballs.

The girls sprung into their seat and dug in their food. Professor gently sat down in his seat.

"Now girls, I know you were previously upset about this new and sudden move. But trust me, it'll be good for you! You finally get a break from crime-fighting and live normal lives as normal little girls!"

"But we like fighting crime!" Bubbles whispered.

"Yea, and we aren't normal OR little!" Buttercup included, meatballs pocketed in her cheek, like a hamster's.

"You're right you aren't exactly normal, and neither are you little anymore. But can you at least give Megaville a chance? I'm sure you'll make new friends!" Professor calmly begged.

The girls glanced at each other and sighed.

"Alright, we'll try," Blossom said, dropping her fork.

"Thank you, girls!! OH, and you've got school tomorrow so get to bed before 8."

"8!! But 8 is so early!! We aren't 5 anymore, we're 12 professor!" Buttercup complained.

"Alright 9, and that's final."

"Fine," Buttercup muttered under her breath, crossing her arms.

Professor kissed their foreheads and took their plates into the sink.

Sorry the ending is so rushed. I promise chapter 2 will be better and longer! I'll edit this tomorrow on Friday since I have no school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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