I lacked a ring My Diary, You knew it was all unplanned and so I made one out of silver foil there, and the expressions in his eyes , shock on his face was my life I knew he was shocked but then the love he had for name was as if I brought him the biggest diamond in the entire world only for a change if someone would get me a diamond I would kill him ....

Diamond is bloodshed for me! A lot of human bloodshed .

But this all was a past !

We fought this morning! Because I was at fault again .....
Fault of keeping such a big part of my life in a dark .

" Sidharth I want to talk " It was 9 in the Morning and we were still sleeping, I realised neither me nor him was an early riser and I was happy.

" Hmm " he had spoke snuggling a little more in me and I loved the feeling .

" This won't help me " I spoke and he smiled leaving me before pecking my cheek and waking up finally.

" Don't be nervous Sweetheart, we are far away from being apart, I love you and I would always even after you are going to tell me that there was someone else in your life " he joked and I was silent, I wanted to come clear, maybe this was a wrong time but I didn't want any discrepancy in my life

I was legit afraid if I should tell him about Aarav but I wanted to this time.

" Sidharth you won't be angry right "

" Depends on what are you going to tell me "

" I was engaged" I dropped the bomb and looked at him who felt as if I just dropped the biggest bomb of him.

" Sidharth listen...... "

" When "

" Sidharth...."

" Fucking When Shehnaaz! When were you engaged "

" All this while I came back here, With you on the flight, I was engaged to someone, I...."

" And you didn't found it right to tell me " he spoke, his eyes turned red and I didn't knew if she should be scared.

" Listen.... "

" Shehnaaz you ..... I didn't know what should I say, was this the reason you went to your home .... To get engaged" he asked calmly and that scared me

" No ...
My Mother wanted me to meet someone, I was going to give it a try Sidharth, I was honestly but then I met you and I knew what I wanted "

" Do you even realise how low of myself am I thinking this moment, I have loved you from the time you don't even realise Shehnaaz, Your father wanted me to be your husband and whenever I thought about it I felt that day would be the best day of my life, I have always admired you and you know what I felt this between us was real.... " He shouted and I felt my world turning topsy turvy too .....

" Why didn't he said a word then " it eated my head .

" Sidharth at least listen to me "

" What is even left Shehnaaz, I guess you finished it yesterday your engagement and I am feeling like a home breaker, I don't know why do I love you this muchh to not being able to hate you at the moment but I really want space .....
I ....
Fuck it ....

Don't call me for a few hours, maybe days ...."

" Sidharth please don't .... "

" Shehnaaz see I love you and as I said I will always do but then this is something I can't imagine, you being someone's Fiance all this while, when you were dating me , when you were developing feelings for me ....
I feel betrayed Shehnaaz, I should have know this "

He spoke and got out of the bed , punching his hand on the nearby wall, bruising his own hand and leaving blood stains on the wall too.

" Sidharth " I cried but he was gone leaving me crying.

It had been hours there is no sign of him and then I realised he was right, But I really wanted to know if Dad chose him for me why didn't he told me or my mother.

" Dad " I spoke once he picked up the call
" Shehnaaz I am sorry your mother is not ready to listen "

" Dad why "

" What ! She is angry Shehnaaz, she will need time "

" Why wasn't I informed you selected someone else for me , Sidharth.....

" You met him "

" I did , I love him Dad the reason I don't want to marry Aarav "

" I am Sorry Shehnaaz,  your mother wasn't ready that guy is a gem I talked to him and I regret I shouldn't had , he is already going through a lot , His dadi was his life and the way he is I knew he is the one for you, when your mother decided to get married the only name I could think was Sidharth"

" Then why Dad"

" Because he lives away from his family Shehnaaz, just like you, He loves his family but he is not someone who would take any money from his Rich Dad, he is just like you independent and that is what I loved about him but your mother, she is not wrong either Shehnaaz, she was worried for your future , Aarav is a better match for you she believed"

" Just because He earns more, he has parental money , for god sake Dad this is 21st century we live in, I love him and now he is not ready to even talk To me " I cried .

" I'm sorry, I will talk to him "

" No need I will handle it myself "

I cried , I don't know how am I getting these many tears in my eyes but then this is it .....

I never wanted my happily ever after to be like this .....

" Shehnaaz "


" This is not Shehnaaz "

" We fought yes ! But not because of this "

I remember her not mentioning Aarav even once the reason I am angry on her ! I'm yes I'm but not because I wasn't told them it's because it's been so long she is my wife and I get to find it today

Maybe she did! This is what she wrote

No she didn't! What do you think I am a Schizophrenic, a mania or someone in depression who would Forget this important detail of my life

Maybe she did

Why is your voice cracking! Are you suffering from something like this too, and by the way who you are, I'm not really getting

Do you know what date it is ?

Yes ! I do , it's 2021

Are you sure ?

What's there to be sure ! It is almost 1 January and we have a flight , me and my Shehnaaz, we are going to go to my parents home, It's our 40th wedding anniversary, My Ms Beautiful where is she , I really want to meet her

I need you in here Please, I can't do this anymore

I don't know how is it !
I am sorry for making you all wait but this was what I could manage in half an hour.

Maybe not up to the mark but I want you to let me know how is it

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