How do you feel?

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Wilbur quickly runs into his room and slams the door shut, frantically starting to look in all the drawers and cabinets. "Where is it?! Where is it??!" He shouts, shoving some papers off his desk and looking under the table quickly. "Fuck fuck fuck!!" He moves a box out from under the desk and opens it, pulling out ANOTHER trench coat and seeing it. "Oh, there it is! Phew, that could've been a disaster-.." he picks the item up and puts the trench coat back in the box and shoves the box back under the desk. "Gotta find my loveeeee~"

Wilbur rushes out, putting the item in his pocket and losing his footing a bit, falling over down onto his knees on the dirt. "SHIT-" Wilbur shouts as he watched the object fall from his pocket. He quickly picks it back up and fumbles to shove it back into his pocket, then standing up and continuing to run around.

"SALLY!" He shouts, seeing her gazing at the clear water on the riverbank. "Hey Wil! What's up dear?" She asks, turning around to look at him. She smiles widely and stands up, walking over to hug Wil. "Ah- just um... wanna go out maybe?" Wil asks, blushing a bit. He wraps his arms around her and smiles.

She brushes off her dress and ruffles Wilbur's hair around a bit. "Of course darling! Let me get ready-! Be back here in.. maybe 10 minutes. Where were you thinking?" "Either a theme park or a fancy restaurant! Maybe both." Wil answers. Sally gasps "THEME PARKKKKK!!" She shouts, letting go of him and jumping around in excitement.

"Ha, yep. Well, get into some more suitable clothes and we'll head off!" Wilbur says, patting her head softly. "Ok!" Sally says, diving into the river and disappearing under the water.

"I'M BACK!" Sally pops out of the water, her hair sleek from the water. She steps out of the river and immediately dries off. Magic is what she said. It's like she hadn't just been in the water. She can walk right out of any body of water completely dry. "Welcome! Let's go!" Wil says, smiling and taking hold of her hand.

~They talked a bit on the walk to a stable, where they got a horse and a wagon to ride to a theme park! Now they're heading into the park~

"YAYAYAYAYAYAY! CAN WE GET POPCORN? FOOD? RIDES? PRIZES? EVERYTHING!!!" Sally shouts, jumping around inside the park. "Woah woah calm down Sal!" Wil says, walking over and holding her close. She huffs disappointedly but settles down some.

"Hey Wil!" Phil says, flying down next to him. He flaps his wings a bit after landing and then let's them fold up so they're not in the way. "Hi Sally! How are you?" Phil asks, smiling while looking at the red head. "I've been good Phil! What about you?" "I've been well. What have you guys been doing?" He asks, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing much. Right now we're just hanging out though!" Wil says, holding onto Sally's hand and continuing to walk forward with Phil and Sally by his sides. "Where to, Sal?" Wil asks, looking down at her. "Umm... HERE!" She shouts, pointing at a nearby arcade stand. "Alright!" Wilbur says.

Sally drags Wilbur over to the stands with her and they start playing some games. Phil flies off to let them be.

"Anddddd winner! What prize would you like? There's two giant bears! One brown one white! Which one would you like? Lady with the rose hair!" An announcer at the games starts saying, clapping and smiling. "Ooo big white bear please!" Sally says excitedly. The staff hands her the bear and Sally hugs it, walking over to Wilbur and leaning against him.

"You like that prize?" Wilbur asks. Sally nods and buries her face in it. Wil chuckles and hugs her, starting to walk around some more. "We should eat something, then we can maybe go on some rides?" Wil asks. Sally nods and points at a snack stand. "Giant. Pretzel." She gasps.

~After about an hour and a half of messing around at the theme park, Wilbur takes Sally to a tree in the middle of a field with his guitar and her new bear!~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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