"This is my friend, Dylan."  Henry answered for his guest.

"Hi."  Dylan waved to Piper, not really sure what to say.

"I've never seen you here before."  Piper was quick to judge.

"Oh, well I've just recently moved into town, so that's probably why..."

"And you thought my brother was the best person to make friends with?"  She crossed her arms with the statement. 

"Hey!"  Henry spoke up, positive he was just insulted.

"I think he's good company."  Dylan looked over at Henry and smiled, who reciprocated a smile back. 

"Well..."  Piper spoke up, moving closer to the front door.  "I'm leaving."

"You're leaving?"  Henry asked.

"Yeah, I'm going over to Marla's."  Piper opened the front door, ready to walk out.

"Wait, no,"  Henry stood up, "Mom and Dad aren't home, which means I'm in charge, and— " Before Henry could finish, Piper walked out the door, slamming it shut behind her.  "She's gone."  Henry sat back down, a tad bewildered. 

"She seems nice."  Dylan told Henry, who's eyes went wide with his statement.

"That's sarcasm, right?"  Dylan just laughed at his statement. 

"Come on, let's get back to math."

"I'm all math-ed out."  Henry leaned back, letting himself fall back into the edge of the couch.  They had been at it for a couple of hours now, Dylan going over everything he possibly could about derivatives.

"But do you understand it?"  Dylan leaned back as well, lining himself up with Henry. 

"I do, yeah.  I know what I'm doing now." 

"Good."  Dylan smiled at Henry.  "If you want more help before Wednesday, just tell me, I'd be more than happy to come back."

"I might take you up on that."  Henry let out a small chuckle with his words.  "You're a really good math teacher." 

"I do have a lot of experience." 

There was a moment of silence between the two before Henry spoke.  "Hey do you want to stay for dinner?"  There was shakiness in his voice, a clear sign of nervousness.  "I mean, it's just you and I in the house because my parents are stuck in traffic, and Piper left, so..."

"Yeah, I can stay if you want."  Dylan tried to sound as nonchalant as possible while he was internally screaming.

"Well it's not really a want,"  Henry started to ramble, "I don't want, well no, I do want.  I wouldn't be opposed, but it's entirely up to you, and, um."  He stopped himself before the hole he dug became any worse.

"I'll stay for dinner."

"Cool, cool."  It was Henry's turn to sound calm while screaming on the inside.  "I don't really cook a lot."  He admitted, not really knowing what they were going to do.

"Oh, I love cooking!"  Henry could see the way Dylan's eyes lit up with his words.


"Yeah!  Cooking, baking, I do it all."

"What do you like to cook?"  Henry was interested in learning more about him.

"I love making pasta,"  Dylan admitted, the shine in his eyes never leaving, "I have so many recipes, it's insane."

Henry Danger x Original M! CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now