E/14 | End

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*Last one was rushed, sorry about that

*Once again, no you're not marrying the MC

*I'm on the brink of throwing this book away from me

- Cafeteria -

The demoness just crossed her legs, signaling her job is finally done. Rook and Riddle with the first years went towards the Princess with the ring on hand to finish, with them saying she can still say goodbye to the demoness...

     "Oh, Puffy!" Eliza exclaimed, surprising everyone when she went to the fading soul of her friend. "How could this happen? You've been defeated by those villains!" She sighed and placed Chubby near her chest.

     "How dare you!" Ace yelled, wanting to hit the Princess. The demoness shrugged, "I'll take that as a compliment..." She murmured and continued sipping tea.

     Chubby smiled at the Princess, "Don't feel down, Princess. I'm happy as long as you're happy..." He uttered, his body slowly fading away and it made the Princess wonder why he was fading. He held her hand, "I have lost all my remaining magic from the attack... Your Highness, find the Prince who can make you smile again... May your luck guide you, alright? I'm sure you'll finally achieve your happily ever after," he added.

     Eliza sobbed, hugging the remaining body of Chubby, "Don't leave me, please! You're the reason why I still have my hopes up to find my Ideal Prince and the one that's always been by my side!" She sobbed. Not until she realized something and looked at Chubby, "Oh, silly me! I should've known from the start... My real Prince is you Chubby!"

Chubby smiled since she finally noticed the one who's been beside her and is willing to give up everything for her to make her happy—he also confessed his hidden feelings for her ever since they were children...

     "Chubby, I love you..." Eliza told him and kissed him.

     "That's nice," (Name) commented.

Chubby's wound was healing once she kissed him, a sign of a true love's kiss can heal any kind of wound—it only made the others feel like she just rubbed how single they are. Riddle sighed because the ghosts are showing they were the bad guys, while the ghosts are cheering for the newlyweds...

     "(Name), dear?" Eliza went towards the demoness. (Name) bowed at her, "Yes, Princess?"

     "I know I forced you against your will and since you're not a Prince, I'm deeply sorry! I know for a fact you'll find a better partner than me and since you're so attractive... You even made my heart beat with both forms of yours~! You're so dreamy, you are!" She praised the demoness, while Barbatos just chuckled at the Princess's praises for her.

     "It's alright, Your Highness. I understand your situation, but be warned that forcing someone into marriage is not good," Barbatos said and kissed the back of the Princess's hand. "You're such a sweetheart, (Name)! I'm sure the one you're gonna marry will be a lucky person!" Eliza said and kissed Barbatos's cheek before going to Puffy's side.

     "(Name)!" Luke ran towards the demoness. The demoness carried the angel and hugged him, "You did great, Luke. Congrats, sweetie," she praised the angel and placed a kiss on his forehead.

She sighed when they finally announced they were getting married instead. It started when she just wanted groceries when she was chosen as her Ideal Prince, which is ridiculous—followed by students telling them they're the Ideal Prince to save her...

     "What an eventful day. Truly annoying," she sighed while removing the braid from her fringe. Crowley placed his hands around her shoulder, adjusting his height so he can reach her, "True love found after 500 years! How touching, don't you think, (Name)? In the end, you can't marry someone you just met and expect them to love you back! True love is just waiting around the corner!" He cheered.

     "Oh well, I'm glad she finally realized it..." Barbatos stated. She then went to Vil, who was touching his face, "Are you alright, Vil-san?"

     "It's you..." Vil grumbled, rubbing his cheek. "Ugh, should've let you get kissed by that ghost, you don't have a soul anyway. Look! My precious face got slapped because of you!" He huffed and looked away from her.

     "I'm so sorry, Vil-san," she apologized.

The demoness placed her hand where the ghost slapped him, healing the maple print from his face to remove it. He's still angry at her for making him go to the campus just to get her back, but he's glad the maple print is out of his face...

     "I want mine to get removed, too..." Leona murmured from behind, placing his head on the demoness's shoulder. "Ah! Get away, Leona! I'm the only one allowed!" Vil hissed, hugging the demoness from the Savanaclaw dorm leader.

     "Mademoiselle mystérieuse sure is having fun with Roi de Poisons and Roi de Leon," Rook commented while looking at the fighting dorm leaders. Lilia cracked his back, "That hurts. To think we stayed in the same position for the whole day," he complained.

     "At least we can finally move," Azul sighed in relief.

Deuce took Yuu's hands, thanking him for saving them. Trey chuckled and patted Ace's head, proud that he managed to defeat the ghosts that attacked them—he received a retort from Ace about covering his horrible song earlier, earning an embarrassed look from Trey...

While Epel is getting praised by Jack since he was tough earlier while fighting the ghosts. Jade thanked Rook for managing to push them to safety, with Rook telling him he'll surely do the same—Azul doubts it since knowing the obedient twin is a sadist and just let them die...

     "Seems like Riddle is still going with the rule," Luke remarked, looking at Riddle pinching Cater's ear and running to the door to get him tea. "He sure is," Yuu laughed and patted the angel's head.

     "Okay, everyone! I want to apologize for what I did earlier and all the people we've bothered!" Chubby apologized, bowing in front of them. Eliza chuckled and hugged Chubby's arm, "At least you managed to tell me what true love is~! I'm so glad you told me, guys!" She giggled.

     "Ugh, so much trouble you've caused today," Ace grumbled. "Well, at least it's finished now. That means we don't need to put this ring on her finger," he remarked and hid the disconnection ring.

She said it's no need since they'll go back to the afterlife without force, leaving no grudge. She'll visit once they got their first baby, receiving they shouldn't come back any more—making the demoness chuckle in amusement as the ghosts started to disappear one by one...

     The Headmaster sighed, "Oh dear, so many things happened today. So many problems here and there, but we can now continue—"

     "Headmaster, it would be nice to have an elegant closing, don't you think?" The demoness interrupted him and carried the tired Luke. The Headmaster coughed, "I guess you're right. And so the Prince and Princess have a Happy Ever After..."

The End



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