Chapter 1

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Since Sodo could remember, he always felt like he was being watched when he was alone at the ministry, and it was only at night. He didn't necessarily know how to take it, considering he was the demon here. They always said the ministry was haunted, but if demons lived there, why couldn't ghosts?

Sodo had never saw a ghost, so he figured he was going crazy, and if there were ghosts, they just liked to watch him.

Sodo was taking his good old time in the library as it darkened outside. He wandered between the large shelves, letting his claws run over the books. He loved the smell of books. He wasn't the biggest fan of reading unless it was a very, very good book and could keep his attention. He loved the comfort the library brought him. It brought comfort to all ghouls and ghoulettes, and if you were lucky, you could even see papa spending his free hours reading in the library. He was currently the only one in there, since everyone was getting ready for bed.

He was free to do anything he pleased in here. He sprinted freely, dodging between the book shelves with quiet laughter. He was carefree, no one could tell him to stop. He rounding a corner, jumping as he saw a white illuminated light go around the other corner.

A ghost.

His mind spewed everywhere as he followed the light. He peaked around the corner, his eyes resting on the white figure.

Her hair was pure white, almost silver looking, as was her gown. It looked like something you would find out of a 1900's book. She wasn't hovering like a normal ghost. Her shoes hit the floor, but no noise came from the low heels. Her fingers gazed through the books as she tried touching them.

Sodo stood there, in a trance from her beauty. The light she illuminated was dim, but she glowed. He looked behind him as if someone else was watching him. His heart lurched in his chest as he turned back.

"Ahhh fuck!" He yelped, scrambling back and falling hard on his ass. The ghost stood right in front of him, staring at him with her whitish blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, ghoul." Her voice seemed to echo. It was maybe a little higher pitched then a normal voice, but something about it also seemed humane.

"Y-you're talking to me. Holy shit." He said, gazing up on her as he rested his upper half on his elbows.

"Why shouldn't I? I haven't talked to anyone in over a century." She said plainly, still staring at the ghoul.

"I- uh- wow." He said, slowly standing up, never taking his eyes off her as if she would disappear if he looked away.

"What- what are you doing here?" Sodo asked, looking the ghost over again.

"The same thing you are doing." She gave him a small smile.

"Sodo?" A voice came from the entrance. The ghost disappeared before his eyes, leaving him confused before turning towards the voice and walking out from the weave of shelves.

"Hey, I thought I heard talking in here." Rain said.

"Oh- uh- I was reading a book out loud." Sodo said quickly. Rain looked at him suspiciously before nodding and walking out. Sodo turned to look at the corner, only to see a glowing hand wave at him then disappear. His eyes widen, pausing to process, then leaving the library.

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