Shadows and Shades - Part 17 (Final Part)

Start from the beginning

"You're going to be an aunt, Omega. Iden's pregnant."

Iden had to give it to the kid, she played it perfectly, squealing with excitement and flinging her arms around Crosshair's waist. He hesitated for a moment before returning the hug, smiling to himself. Omega met Iden's eyes, and Iden had winked at her, mouthing a thank you.

The months had dragged on since then, and with every day, she found some new annoyance with how her body was changing. She'd been determined to not allow her body to lose its strength and endurance, going running daily until she'd been forced to switch to walking. Senna had accompanied her every day, dragging her out when she didn't want to mentally go. "This is important to you, and I can't help you in many ways, but I can do this. Let's at least go do a lap around the tarmac and we can come right back in," she'd urged on one of the days where Iden was feeling at her lowest and most frustrated. They'd done three laps before Iden had begged off to waddle to the refresher.

Everyone had been wonderful. Well, mostly everyone. Chuckles, the clone pilot that had picked them up, was still a bit distant. She'd seen him spending time with his two children, a teenage Twi'lek and a young Pantoran. Both of the younglings seemed to have adjusted well to their new surroundings, but Chuckles constantly seemed ready to bolt. Senna had quietly relayed their story on one of their walks, how Chuckles's inhibitor chip hadn't activated, how he'd managed to save the two younglings that had become his adopted family, and how they'd been running ever since.

"He's been doing nothing but looking over his shoulder for the last few years," Senna had said quietly. "I can understand his reluctance to relax. I just hope with time, he'll find a place here." She'd leaned over, nudging Iden's shoulder. "But I have to tell you, since he may not; he was very grateful that the two of you got Howzer out."

"They knew each other?"

"They were apparently best friends during the war. He'd assumed Howzer was dead or serving the Empire. When he showed up here... well, to put it mildly, Chuckles was beside himself. I'm not sure I've seen a more emotional reunion. When he found out we were going to rescue the two people that had busted his friend out, he was the first one to volunteer as a pilot."

Iden had smiled to herself. If nothing else, at least we did that much good. She'd been sad not to find the former clone captain at the base when they arrived. Hunter had told her that he hadn't stayed long. When he found out the Twi'lek general he'd served alongside during the war had escaped Ryloth with his family, Howzer had decided to go looking for them to carry on the fight. She sighed.

"Echo's brother certainly seemed to have no issue adjusting."

Senna had laughed at that. "Fives is a different story altogether."

Iden huffed a laugh. "That he is."

Fives had hovered awkwardly in the background when they returned, clearly not sure where he fit with these new people. He'd watched his twin interact with Crosshair, gripping his arm in greeting, and Iden had noticed a slight scowl on his face. But with time, Fives had gotten around to greeting both of them, and clumsily, he'd thanked Crosshair quietly for rescuing Echo.

"Without you and your squad, I wouldn't have gotten a second chance to razz him at any given opportunity," the former ARC trooper said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"He clearly didn't tell you what I said on the mission," Crosshair joked dryly.

"Oh, he did," Fives replied. "Says you can be a bit of a prick, but you're really sweet as a tooka. You just don't want people to think that."

Iden had burst out laughing at the way Crosshair's nose wrinkled with disgust.

Nisa's reception had been far more chilly. She was still unconscious when they arrived, and they'd carefully placed her on a gurney to be moved to one of the few small cells they kept on the base just in case. Every day for the first few weeks she was there, she was only taken out of her cell to be interrogated for hours on end. Hunter and Senna led most of the interrogations, grilling her sister about every tidbit of Imperial intelligence she could provide. Iden had been torn about whether or not to at least listen in, but Crosshair had offered to observe and relay anything important.

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