This thing

69 4 0

August p.o.v
I saw Parker looking out the window of the school doors

Me: hey friend

Parker: hey

Me: what you waiting on

Parker: for the rain to stop

Me: it ain't gonna stop

I popped my umbrella out

Me: ay i could walk you home if you want

Parker: sure

She interlocked her arm with my arm and we started walking

Parker: thanks for walking me home

Me; your welcome..i really need to talk to you though

Parker: about what

Me: about this thing between me and you

Parker; like our little friendship or you having a crush on me

She looked up at me

Me: well both

Parker: what about it

Me: I like where it is going but I'm nervous how this is going to go to be honest

Parker: well we can either be friends first or get into a relationship it's up to you

Me: I do like you a lot but yeah let's be cool for awhile

Parker: okay

We finally made it to her house

Parker: but I don't think it's gonna last very long of us being friends

Me; huh

Parker: you heard what I said

She kissed my cheek and walked into her house
End p.o.v

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