Curious Little Ever

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You stared out the large window of your room, listening halfheartedly to the petty banter of your fellow evers as your eyes stared longingly to the castle across the bridge. Your mind never could rest easily, always bubbling unendingly with ideas and thoughts that never seemed to cease, keeping you awake to think endlessly until sleep finally whisks you away into its comforting arms. This was true now more than ever seeing as you were in a brand new environment and you had met so many interesting people, learned so many interesting things, your mind was racing a mile a minute, thought after curious thought rushing through it like lightning. You wondered silently to yourself about many of the day's events, thoughts slowly picking apart every word, every movement, trying to make sense of everything and anything it could. Nevers, Evers, Fairies, the more you thought the more curious you became, but there was something that stood at the center of your mind. There was something poking into the depths of your curiosity, like a hot poker, digging into your every thought, demanding your attention as it mocked you. Lesso.

You frowned as you heard the girls behind you begin to argue, a boy from what you cared to understand. It made it hard to think when all you could hear were the shrill angry voices of your peers bellowing out behind you. However, still, that woman found a way to grab your attention, pulling you back into your world of thought as you tried your best to ignore those behind you. You pondered your brief interaction with her, the way your eyes had met, how her smirk widened as you found yourself staring ever deeper into her eyes. You queried to yourself, questioning her every movement, her every word, you wondered if she was disturbed by your prying eyes, you wondered if she enjoyed them, it puzzled you, she puzzled you. Sure she smirked when she caught your eyes, but did that mean she found your staring funny?, entertaining?, interesting? or possibly she found your curiosity to be downright idiotic. It’d make sense, being an evil, villainous woman it’d be understandable for her to find humor in something she thought to be almost pitiful, right?. You weren't certain, frown deepening as you stared hard at the castle, yearning for just a single additional glance of the woman, to get another look into those mesmerizing iris’s and searching for answers within them.

“ Are you staring at the never castle? ” a voice suddenly spoke rather accusatory in your ear, shrill and loud enough to make you flinch a bit, a cringe tugging at your lips. Shaking your head slowly, you turned to face the other evers that now were gathered around you curiously, eyeing you in confusion and disgust. “ Of course not.” you spoke in a tone of feign disgust, rolling your eyes as you let your elbows rest on the windowsill, body carefully leaning back into it as you stared forward at the women. “ I was thinking, the garden is the most beautiful place to stare at while you think…you should try it sometime. “ you mumbled the last bit, groaning with distaste as the girls all nodded their heads in agreement and began to rant about the beauty of the castle and its gardens. 

You hated this place, at least, maybe the evers within the castle, the castle itself however was indeed gorgeous and breathtakingly beautiful, And while the evers inside were beautiful per say, you’d argue that that's all they were, beautiful to the eye. But their souls, those were all rotten and putrid, they were all cruel and rude to each other, unkind to things they didn’t understand. Not to mention they were practically all outright evil when it came to the nevers, wishing death and punishment on people that they didn’t even know. It was disgusting, not to mention exhausting, of course you didn’t mind the other school, in fact the nevers intrigued you greatly, especially their dean. But sadly, You learned quickly that your peers' hatred for the nevers was so great that if you pitied them or stood up for them, you may become the target of harassment and you were not in the right place to willingly become the target of bullying. 

So you stayed silent, still staring out the window as your peers went on and on behind you.


This is a bad idea. That's all that sounded through your head as you slowly peeled yourself out from under your covers. This is a really bad idea!, you remind yourself once more, adrenaline slowly building in you as you find yourself slowly sitting up in the soft bed under you. It was practically midnight, the room basically pitch black as you stared at the door, illuminated only by the subtle moonlight that shone through your window, you couldn’t sleep just as you’d predicted. However, instead of getting lost in your thoughts as normal, you found yourself peering at the window, again and again, eventually wondering what the inside of the other castle was like, what was going on in there right now. This didn’t happen often, normally you were just satisfied with your imagination, thoughts, it was safer that way in most cases, however right now all you could imagine was the feeling of stepping through the gates of the school for evil. All you could imagine was seeing the inside, comparing, seeing what it was like as a never, and maybe, just maybe, seeing the dean.

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