Phase 1: Chapter 1

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Ten-year-old Ralph Langley was hesitant about transferring schools. He knew that he was physically ready, but was questioning his emotional preparedness. Military school meant only seeing his parents on weekends. Military school meant doubling his physical training time. Military school meant no longer being the best. He'd be attending a school where his classmates would be as fit, prepared, strong, and capable as he was. He was used to having the admiration of everyone around him at school; friends wishing they could be like him, teachers praising his mind and strength, bigger kids bullying him because they couldn't beat him, his determination, his discipline, or his dedication.

As he packed his bags for military school, Ralph questioned whether he'd ever make colonel. He thought about all the bigger, stronger, more powerful kids he'd be up against. Zipping up his last suitcase, he yanked it off the bed and dragged it out into the hallway with the rest of his bags.

"Ready, kiddo?" his dad asked as he effortlessly picked up three of Ralph's heavy bags at once. Ralph was a mini version of his father, and wanted nothing more than to be like him someday. Jeffery Langley was fit, a frequent gym goer, a level headed man, with a passionate love for his family. He wasn't the richest parent at Ralph's current elementary school, but he taught Ralph about all the things in life that were much more valuable than money.

"I think so" the boy answered, hoping his dad didn't notice he was shaking in his brand new boots.

Ralph and his parents loaded the backseat of his father's truck to the brim with all Ralph's bags. Ralph climbed into the passenger seat as his dad slid in on the driver's side.

"You'll do better than great" his mom assured him from outside the open passenger window. "I wish there was enough space in the truck for me to come with you, but I know you'll be okay" she added, earning a forced smile from her doubtful son. "You'll be okay" she repeated reassuringly, always capable of reading Ralph's mind based on nothing but the look in his eyes.

"I love you" Ralph said, sticking his arm out the window to her. She kissed his little hand before reminding him she'd see him two Fridays from now.

Ralph and his dad made the three and a half hour drive to the military school. Ralph was dreading the moment they'd finish setting up his bed and hanging his clothes in the closet. When that moment finally came, he swallowed his childish fears and waved his dad goodbye.

His roommate hadn't arrived yet, so Ralph sat in silence as he studied his new dorm room. It was very bland. No posters or color on the walls, no toys or personal items anywhere. It looked like an empty motel room. Ralph glanced at the white, unmade mattress on the other side of the room. A shitty roommate would ruin this whole experience, he thought to himself.

13 minutes later, and Ralph had been boredly counting, his new roommate entered the room, pulling a suitcase in each hand. A lady Ralph assumed to be his mother followed in behind him, carrying more bags. The boy and his mother tiredly set everything down and made to catch their breath.

"Hi" the boy finally said, acknowledging Ralph. "I guess you're my new roommate."

"I guess so" Ralph smiled forcibly but warmly. "I'm Ralph."

"Simon" the curly headed, brunette boy replied.

Simon's mom helped him set up his bedding, and fill all his drawers with his clothes before giving him a hug and a kiss goodbye.

"So how old are you, Ralph?" Simon asked as he continued to unpack.

"I'm gonna be eleven in February."

"Cool, I turned ten in November" Simon said.

Ralph and Simon talked as the younger boy continued to unpack his things. He filled his bedside table with personal knickknacks, toys and photos from home. Ralph silently cursed himself for not thinking to bring a photo of his parents with him.

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