robbery of my love

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The crisp wind of London chilling folk around the city center bonnie walked through her coat kept her warm as she shopped for her long-term boyfriend Charles birthday plus their anniversary was a day after making them together for 6 years she wanted to make it special for them so she went on the hunt for the perfect gift and perfect day out

She spotted a photo shop and knew what she wanted entering the store she decided to print out photos from when they started dating till now and put them in a photo album she smiled thinking about how happy he would be to look back on photos he probably would have forgotten

"Hey there how can I help" the cashier said with a smile bonnie handed him a receipt of what's to be paid for "just this thank you" Bonnie's glasweigen accent strong in her voice sometimes she felt insecure about her accent because people sometimes struggle to understand what she's saying but when she's back home in Glasgow she loves it she doesn't care how she sounds

"No problem" the cashier said to bonnie she could feel the excitement bubbling in her to give charles his present it was sentimental just them and their memories

After she paid for her purchase she exited the store and into the crisp wind bonnie hugged her coat tighter around her she loves the winter but only thing she hated about it was the freezing cold

During these times it made her think of her family back in Glasgow what are they doing?, do they miss her? She never knew she hadn't spoken to them in years ever since the tragic event she never spoke to anyone about apart from her band mates who took her in

Finally bonnie made it to her car unlocking the doors to her Audi A8 still cold she immediately turned the heating on her boyfriend was at work he left after bonnie she said to Charles that she'll be home around 4 o'clock it's currently 1 o'clock she was far too cold to do anything else apart from going home and getting warm

She turned on the radio as she drove out of the carpark and onto the road 'lucky man by the verve' playing she sang along turning the radio up not caring if people outside can hear after all it's a tune

She stopped at a red light when a song came on making her feel somewhat sad 'sultans of swing by dire straights' it was bonnie and her father's song She recalled the good memories with him another time she would sing along and be happy but it's usually always at Christmas time it hurts her family was in Scotland and here she was in London or on America or somewhere else and she never heard anything from them

She decided to change the station of the radio and listen to some guy talking about football till she got home

Soon enough bonnie returned home unlocking the door and stepping through it she heard some noises "strange charles is never home at this time' she thought to herself she decided to inspect who was in the house she entered her bedroom to find what she dreaded

"What the actual fuck charles" she exclaimed her grip tighing on the bag in her hand there was charles and the person he told her not to worry about and her she was under him in Bonnie's bed she felt sick to her stomach she wanted to kill them both especially charles

"Bonnie I can explain" he jumped out of the bed bonnie just shook her head and walked out the room charles shoved on a pair of sweatpants on following her "baby please talk to me" he pleaded bonnie just laughed bitterly he knew he fucked up

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