Halloween (Sal)

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"You guys must be kidding me. What the hell is this?!" You exclaimed in the bathroom.

"Why, (Y/N)? What's wrong?" Murr tried to ask innocently but failed due to his giggling.

"This is not a costume." You threw open the door. "This is barely a fucking shirt."

A fan had dared you to let the guys pick your costume this year and you, not wanting to deny a fan, had agreed. You were not happy with the costume they chose for you though. They had given it to you a few minutes ago to put on before a party. It was a policewoman costume...A sexy one, of course.

"It looks amazing on you though!" Brian told you.

"I can't pull this off." You started tugging the hem down.

"'Course you can, sweetie." Joe reassured you.

"No, I mean, this dress is so tight it feels like a second skin." You explained.

"Well, since you're ready, we'd better change. It's almost 9." The guys headed off to your guest room.


Few hours later...

In the end, you had decided to stick with the costume. You had taken a selfie before you left and tagged the dare-r on it on Twitter proving you had carried the dare out. Now, it was almost 1am and you had drank almost four glasses of Blue Wicka so you were slightly tipsy but then again, Blue Wicka didn't have a very high alcohol content. You only meant to have about two but they tasted so much like Slush Puppies that you forgot and kept downing them.

"Where's Sal?" You questioned Joe who was sitting beside you, Bessy under his arm.

"He just went out to the bathroom."

"Speaking of bathrooms, I gotta pee. Be back in a sec. Mind my purse." You hopped off the stool you were sat on before making your way over to the bathrooms. On the way, you passed Sal. "Hey, Sal." You smiled at him. He gently grabbed your wrist, pressing you against the wall.

"If you're a policewoman, does that mean I'm your fugitive?"

"Wha- Just how much have you had to drink, Sal?" You chuckled.

"Enough to pluck up the courage."

"For what?"

"This." He crashed his lips against yours. Your (Y/E/C) eyes closed on contact and your hands went around his neck. Trailing his hand down your right side, he hitched your leg up around his waist. Because of the shortness of the dress, the fabric of his dress pants now pressed against the bare skin of your leg. He bit your lip, making you moan into his mouth. Sal pulled away only to start making nips on your neck.

"Do you know how long I've waited to do this?" He breathed in between love bites.

"Not as long as I, no doubt. How 'bout we get out of here? I've been a very naughty corrupt officer. You better spank me. After that, I'll have to give you a strip search for that gun in your pocket." You teased, winking at him.


Jesus Christmas, that ending. Sorry, that was cringey as fuck, hahaha xD Again, any requests - just ask! ^-^ M x

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