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I woke up... the sun was a lovely gold shining through the sugar windows.

The air constantly smelled of sweets and baked goods. I took a deep breath and got out of bed.

The bed was very comfy, though, and the island always remained a lovely temperature even during the night.

It was the best sleep I'd had in a while, which is surprising since it's the most stressful time of my life.

Yet this gut feeling I had wasn't one of fear or stress... but almost excitement, hope for my future.

This is the first time I've ever left my country, and I'll never see it again. And it doesn't scare me as much as I thought it would. My brother is right, maybe I will have a chance to be free here on these strange islands.

I walked to my dresser and fixed my hair, going to the on suit to freshen myself. Then I went to my wardrobe, picking out a deep magenta dress.

Maybe I will be able to wear it as I am pleased here in Toto Land.

After I was ready, I walked out of my room, following the halls to wherever they took me. And I was happy to see my brother exiting his room also, "Hey!" I said as I approached him.

His soft smile had appeared as he waved to me, "Hey there y/n, are you feeling alright?" He asked me as he gently touched my forehead to check if I had a temperature.

"No, I'm not, but I don't see any point in dreading about something I can't control. I was just thinking about what you said yesterday... as much as my future is taken from me, there's a chance at that cost I will be given freedom in return. I wanna hope not to let dread devour me, " I replied in thought as my brother watched me with a smile.

"I'm glad you believe so," he said as he patted my shoulder..

"You're still worried.." he continued. I nodded.

"I'm just.. I have to be married off to a random man, and i don't know what he'll be like, or what he wants from me, or what I have to do. I have no relationship experience... and we're skipping a lot of steps here... to be married off, what if I don't like him? What if he's AWFUL? What if i don't get any freedom.."

"Y/n... whatever happens, I know you'll have freedom. As Big Mom said yesterday, you just have to be his wife and dedicate yourself to her family. She never said anything about having to stay in one place forever. You're going to be okay, I'll come visit if I can alright?" He reassured me, his voice was so calming. He's the only person who ever truly cared about me in my family. He hugged me gently and sighed.

"I'm sure going to miss you," he spoke. I nodded..

"You too..."


After my family and I had breakfast with Big Mom, I was told to go with Big Mom, to which she'd introduce me to the man im to be married to tomorrow.

"I have no need to introduce you as you've already met, I was imformed you two were chatting yesterday, thats more than enough to convince me" big mom said as she opened the door, I looked up, and that's when I saw him.

The tall man with a scarf hiding half of his face, his eyes dark... glaring at me... judging me. His hair... coincidentally matched the colour of my dress I was wearing... His tattoos were bright pink, covering his torso and his upper arm. I could see the strange lines that ran from his ears to beneath the scarf.

(In this story, you're quite tall, still being the smallest in your family, but you reach up to just about below katakuris chest... you're basically a big forest fairy. Alot smaller than a giant but way taller than a human)

Big Mom laughed as she left us alone. The room quickly fell silent. I've never been so nervous in my life.

Katakuri glared at me... not a word coming from him.. it was so intimidating. But then he finally broke the silence. "It's you.." he spoke deeply, his voice cold but... welcoming.. he was so strange.

He walked over to the couch and took a seat. He leaned back and crossed his legs. A big sigh left his lips as he looked over at me, I was stood there observing him.

"It's rude to stare," he spoke. This caused me to snap out of my thoughts and nod. "Sorry, I just wasn't.. really.. expecting... you, " I replied nervously as I walked over to him and sat down at the other side of the couch.

I looked down at my hands as I fidgeted uncomfortably. Katakuri sighed and closed his eyes. "You're clearly not prepared for any of this.." he replied.

I quickly looked at him and huffed, "Honestly, this could either be the worst thing or the best thing to happen to me, and it all depends on you.." I snapped, katakuris eyebrow raised at he watched me.

"You're a lot louder than I originally thought," he chatted, I just sighed and looked away again.

"So... what happens.. what will happen once we are... married..." I asked quietly, katakuri sighed and looked away.

"I don't know, do whatever you want. You're still expected to be my wife. That's what Mama wants.  If you leave, we'll  kill you." Katakuri spoke as he stared at the ceiling.

I smiled... I couldn't hold it in, I giggled.

"You find that funny?" He questioned me as he looked at me. I looked at him too and smiled at him. A slight tint of pink coated his visible cheek.

"Honeslty Katakuri... that's the best deal I've heard in a while. If I get to make my own decisions, and all I have to do is marry you? I'd say you're a miracle, " I replied, katakuri huffed and looked away.

"You're pretty strange," he spoke, I just nodded.

"You're not the first to tell me that,"

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