Chapter 25: On the Hill

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to say anything." (Fusou)

The two girls shared a hug as I watched on the sidelines. I felt something stroking against my leg and looked down to see a familiar animal. It was the kitten from the other day.

"Long time no see. What are you doing here?"

"Mew~~" (Kitten)

"Oh my. Tina-chan." (Fusou)


"Oh. The kitten that always roams around the base." (Shigure)

I picked up the kitten, whose body elongated until its feet were dangling in the air. This cat is longer than it looks.

"You know this cat?"

"Tina-chan. She has been walking in and out of the base for a few months now." (Fusou)

I didn't know that this cat was roaming around my base. More importantly, it has a name already? No wonder it just casually approached me the first time we met. It must be comfortable around humans.

"Admiral, Zuihou's name is here as well. Does Zuihou know about this as well?" (Shigure)


I placed Tina-chan down and she trotted towards Shigure. Shigure crouched down and the cat rubbed herself against Shigure's outstretched palm.

"She actually discovered this on her birthday. It was only yesterday she confronted me about it."

I walked up to the pair,

"She knows the full story. So, I want to tell you as well."

Touching the hand I placed on her shoulder, she looked at me straight in the eyes,

"Yes. Please tell me everything." (Shigure)

I told Shigure of all the past events prior to us finding her in the Northern Salmon Seas. The treatment of shipgirls in the past, us overthrowing our predecessors, my relationship with Zuihou in the past, how past Shigure was like before, and how she sunk. As if empathetic to the atmosphere and listening to my story, Tina-chan tucked her legs under her body and quietly laid next to Fusou. Her tail swishing every now and then.

Unlike the emotional trainwreck I was when I spoke to Zuihou last night, I'm calmer now. It felt as though a large weight had been lifted off me. Shigure listened attentively with a myriad of emotions. At times, angry. At times, sentimental. Without interjecting, she listened to the whole thing.

"I see... So all that happened... No wonder you always look as though you are in pain or you are worried about something whenever you send us on a sortie." (Shigure)

"Zuihou said the same thing. And was I that obvious? I thought I hid it pretty well."

"Thank you for telling me, Admiral." (Shigure)

"You are... not mad?"

I was expecting her to flare up.

"I can't say that I'm okay with being lied to for this long." (Shigure)



"But you had your reasons. So I will forgive you." (Shigure)

"If it's okay with you, let me treat you."

"To Maimya's?" (SHigure)

"No. I know a place in Kyoto that sells delicious Ice-cream. So I was thinking if you want to join me."

I plan to bring Zuihou there too. So maybe Zuihou first then Shigure. Or I can bring Zuihou to another place.

Shigure beamed up,

"I will take you up on that offer. When shall we go?" (Shigure)

Before I can answer, the sound of an explosion echoed through the air. Thick smoke rose from one of our base turrets. We are under attack?

"What was that?" (Fusou)

My phone rang. It's from Ooyodo,

"Talk to me."

"Admiral, I just received a report from Noshiro's patrol unit. Satsuki is in custody of an unknown Shipgirl. An English speaking one." (Ooyodo)

"Eagle Union or Royal Navy?"

"Can't confirm." (Ooyodo)

The three of us make our way down the hill,

"Sortie Yahagi, Suzuya, Souryuu and Hiryuu. Get some birds in the air. Put everyone else on standby. I'll be in the Command Room in 3."

"Roger." (Ooyodo)

Alarms started blaring as everyone scrambled to the launcher. I reach the Commend Center and switched on the monitor.

"Any updates?"

"Nothing yet. Linking cams." (Ooyodo)

The monitor showed what is happening at Noshiro's position.

This is... What am I looking at? Even Ooyodo is bewildered.

"Let me go!!! You pervert! Noshiro, help me already!" (Satsuki)

<Aww~ You are so cute~ Wanna come home with me? Yes, you do~> (???)

Hugging a reluctant and flailing Satsuki is a tall lady with short black hair. Her sharp bangs covered her right eye. She wore a blue cropped jacket with red & yellow accents over a white collared buttoned shirt with a cleavage cutout. A red slim & fit corset wrapped around her mid-section with yellow accents alongside a blue belt with yellow accents and circular golden buckle, black pencil skirt with a blue waist cape and a white wide garter, black thigh-high heeled boots with garter straps and white gloves. A large rifle hangs from behind her waist.

Even Noshiro is confused, but her guns are pointing straight at the pervert.

"We... got another weird one, didn't we? Contact Commander Ao. Maybe he can ID this fellow."

"U-understood." (Ooyodo)

Since this lady pervert is speaking English, I reckon she belongs to either Eagle Union or Royal navy. Either way, Bismarck and gang are gonna have to lay low for a while. As long as this one doesn't-

"Ark Royal, release that girl right now!" <Ark Royal, lassen Sie das Mädchen sofort frei!> (Bismarck)

Bismarck came into view, her cannons aimed at the lady pervert.

Oh, come on!

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