Chapter 11: Prank Gone Wrong

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Oh wow! There is a lot delicacies in the table for Evers!

I saw professor Dovey and immediately went to her.
hello professor Dovey! She beamed at my arrival and urged me seat down next to her.
Truly the dishes were fit for royalty.But one meal caught my attention.

It's been a while since I had porridge, mother would cook this all the time when I was a kid.

I can already feel my stomach rumbling, and immediately chowed down the food. Weird... It taste kinda... Familiar. But still it was delicious so I can help but eat seconds!

Aurellia's POV

We are going inside the hall a little bit late, because I am very impatient and I just want to see the chaotic results of my brilliant plan!

I took my sweet time opening the door... Only to be greeted by peaceful Evers, giggling and gasping as they share gossips with each other.  Did my plan just f*cking failed?!

My queen I'm so sorry I failed you. Hort said to me in a rushed manner.
What do you mean Babi? We mixed it in the porridge right?

Hester appeared behind me and slung her arms on my shoulder, looking at the Evers.

Well apparently, they said that the porridge was, icky, the texture was weird and gooey. So they didn t eat it... Not a single one of em.
I grunted at my failed attempt to showoff. My Lord! All my efforts are for nothing?! God f*cking dammit!

Wait... Is that Ms. Y/N?! She's eating it! I looked over where Anadil was pointing immediately, and I can feel my heart racing! Oh no... No no no! STUPID I FORGOT SHE IS AN EVER!

A Never heard Anadil since she's close and agreed with her.

Oh yeah, I think it's her 4rth bowl already, what a record. 4rth Bowl?! 4RTH BOWL?! OF ALL THE TIMES YOU CAN BE A GLUTTON YOU CHOSE TO BE ONE RIGHT NOW?!
oh sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t I run towards the Evers table hopefully to say what sh*t she's in right now, but stopped by these floating white thingies! They were pushing and grabbing me away from their side!

Unhand me you floating freaks! Y/N! I was so occupied at keeping them away from me that I didn't notice she was already gone!

What's wrong dear? Why so panic stricken? The Dean for Good approached me.
W-where is Ms. Y/N?

Oh she just left, I think she went to your school dear? I nodded and backed away, thank you prof. Dovey. Then I ran towards our school, desperately finding y/n! My Lord I have poisoned y/n than can turn her into a complete lunatic!

Y/N's POV:

That's weird...for some reason I feel a little lightheaded... I wiped my forehead only to realize that I'm sweating like crazy! As seconds went by, the burning inside me increased in an uncomfortable rate! I walked in a wobbly state, my core is aching for attention, no, not just it, my whole body is craving for a sinful touch...

Then it hit me


Who in the heavens f*ck would put aphrodisiac in a porridge?!
Not just that, the effects are too familiar with the ones I used back then. I discarded them a long time ago because it was too strong for me, it was painfully addictive! Not to mention, I haven't got the slightest relief for days!

My body slumped on the wall, deep and hot breath was coming out of me, I looked at the clock above me, and chuckled in a bitter tone.
Lesso's gonna kill me. I'm 15 minutes late . I groaned at the state of my restless body.

You know what? F*ck the meeting! I need to get this over with or I'm going insane!

With my remaining energy, and sanity, I quickly went over to the nearest restroom. And I almost jumped in joy when it s completely void of students!

I was going to get in, but I was stopped by massive paws on my shoulder. The touch was enough for me to moan, but I bit back hard, blood was trickling from my bloodied lips. This time, I just completely lost every ounce of reason.

I harshly removed their paws and glared at them.
What?! Has my warning to you insufferable fools wasn't enough?! They stepped back a little, completely baffled on my sudden outburst.

Lady Lesso demands your immediate presence, we cannot disobey her orders. You motherf*ckers are lucky my flute isn't here or I could've made you all drop dead already! I screamed internally
5 minutes! Please just give me 5 minut-- they looked at me as if my pathetic pleas wasn't going to change their mind. Oh god what did I do to deserve this!

Then you *ssholes and Lady Lesso can all go to --

Go to where exactly? Pet?

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz