Cooper was seated beside Ashlyn helping her study for her test while Sloane sat on the table side opposite from them.

They heard the front door open and Ashlyn hollered,' EJ we're in the kitchen!"

EJ walked in and took a seat on the table beside Cooper," Uncle Dennis and Aunt Debbie arent home right? I don't want an audience for this." EJ said embarrassed.

"Uh, thank you?" Sloane raised a brow.

"You know what I mean. Ok ready?" He asked as he looked between the three of them nervously.

"I'm just surprised you wrote a whole song," Ashlyn said.

"Nah there's gotta be a catch," Sloane said with narrowed eyes.

"It's got metaphors and everything," EJ said proudly. He took in a deep breath.

"Let's do this."


"Before you go and make that face you make when you're mad at me. So mad at me. Let me say it's not my place going through your voicemail, and your history?"

"And if this were a TV show I would have to go and plead insanity. Because lying and spying and prying isn't really my personality. I'm an idiot for taking your phone!"

There were multiple reactions as EJ sang and walked around the house.

Sweet Ashlyn was politely bobbing her head to the beat while she watched her cousin cautiously, Cooper followed behind EJ with a weirded-out expression, and Sloane was quietly snickering and secretly recording the whole thing on her phone.

Sloane faces the camera" this song is gonna make me plead insanity."

"This is my fault, my bad. If I said a million sorrys, how about a billion sorrys? Ooooh. You shine just like the stars, and I'm not even a nightlight. Cause what I did wasn't so right. I'm really sorry!" They all watched as EJ even started dancing to the song, Sloane was never gonna let him live this down.

They followed the boy as he continued to sing and dance around the house, EJ looked like he was very proud of his song.

"-but given the chance, I would definitely do it again." They all raised a brow at his lyrics as he thought to himself.

"No that's not right, I would definitely not do it again!" EJ corrected himself proudly as Sloane let out a loud laugh.

EJ might write really bad songs but he really could make the girl smile.

"Nooo! This is my fault my bad if I said a million sorrys. How about a billion sorrys? Ooooh. Can't we just start again, once upon a time I'm sorry. Nothing else to rhyme with sorry. Oooohh. Not so great at saying sorry, I hope you know I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry!." EJ finished singing with a proud smile as he sat on the counter.

Cooper, Sloane, and Ashlyn all faced him as Sloane pulled out her phone and stopped recording with a smirk.

'Best. blackmail. Ever." The girl said EJ ignored her.

"Did you guys like it?" EJ asked nervously. Cooper and Ashlyn exchanged glances and gave tight smiles.

"It was...catchy" Cooper shrugged

"A lot to admire," Ashlyn added.

"Cut the crap, you can't sing that to Nini dude. What did I say about saying sorry just for show?" Sloane said with a raised brow. EJ sighed.

"Maybe if you tweaked a couple of lyrics," Ashlyn suggested.

"Yeah, I mean there are words that rhyme with sorry," Sloane added pointedly.

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