The plan

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It's been a good five minutes, and both Maelak and Fraden are playing patty cake. "AHA! I got it!" Argah shoots up, making both the girls jump "jeez- calm down," Fraden says, holding her hand to where her heart is. "Sorry guys," Agrah whispers, "anyway, I now have a plan!" he grins, "all of us will just barge in, steal the money and get out!" Argah exclaims, proudly. "WHAT?! So we are just going to walk into there like- 'Oh hey! We have come to steal your money if you don't mind!'. That is really stupid!" Maelak yells, "yeah basically," the dragon grins down at the two, "what about the guards? And the boobytraps?! Oh and don't forget- if we get caught by the owner of the house, WE. ARE. DEAD." Fraden chimes in, pointing at Argah. "Oh don't worry, we are a great team, we'll just figure it out as we go!" He reassures them with a smile.

"RUN!!!" Maelak screams at the others, running for her life, "WE ARE!!" Fraden calls back at the bunny. "I KNEW THIS WAS A STUPID PLAN!!" Fraden screeches at Argah. Argah rolls his eyes, looking back to the angry guards chasing after them. The three teenagers start losing stamina from running so much, they all turn a corner to be faced with a massive wall, the three look at each other worried, they then look back at the guards to see them cornering them. "Oh no..." Argah mumbles, being pushed to the wall by one of the guards. The guards turn them around and tie ropes around their wrists, now dragging the three to the cells.

"See?! I told you they were going to catch us!" Fraden throws her hands in the air, Argah stays silent. "We won't be able to get out of this! We'll be stuck here forever!!" Fraden sighs, sitting down. "Are you even listening, Argah?" Maelak says, looking at the dragon. Argah is in deep thought, not even looking at the girls. "I don't think he is, he's probably scared for life!" Maelak goes to sit next to Fraden. "Hey, isn't Zakace still in your bedroom?" Argah finally speaks, still not looking at the girls, "yeah why?" Fraden asks, "and remember how you guys can't go anywhere away from each other?" he replies, "well, if they couldn't be away from each other wouldn't he be here by now??" Maelak huffs, 

Backstory of: Fraden BingletonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon