Chapter 10

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Thursday, July 16, 2020
day of the Virgin Islands trip flight
y/n's pov

it's 3 in the morning and im in the fucking gym. chris got one of his homies from the west coast to train me since I'll only be over here for the summer hopefully.

"left handed pull up midrange jumpers starting at half. you gimme 15 consecutive and you won't have to do yo run at the end" rana said rolling the ball to me at half. i did the drill without missing so i mentally patted myself on the back and pulled my sweated out shirt over my head throwing it towards my bag. i shot my third set of 20 free throws cause you can never go wrong with free throws.

"once you finish those i want to see what moves you got in yo bag" rana said from under the goal and i just responded with a nod. i finished up and moved to half court so he could say whatever he needed to.

"you got to be able to move anywhere anytime with you playing pg, sg, and sf with and without the ball"

"yeah i been trying to bulk up some more too" i said rubbing my hands across my waves

"yeah i can tell but you still gotta keep the speed you got on you. aight first in the midrange. show me how you use the behind the back to get down to the basket" he said passing me the ball. i dribble in and make him play me straight up and i crossed in front of me to my left crossing back between my legs before wrapping behind my back to my left for a scoop layup.

"i like that. aight now same thing but i want a jump shot anywhere but it has to be a middy" he said while passing the ball back to the top of the key. i got it and wiped the bottom of my shoes off and got into my triple threat. i ripped through taking my first dribble towards the basket and hit a behind the back spin and taking a fade.

"the only thing i didn't like about that is i could tell you wasn't going to the basket fully" he said and i looked at him dumb

"dumb nigga you the one that told me not to go to the rim" i said rubbing my sweaty arm on my sweaty face in a attempt to get rid of some sweat

"no your body told me where you was going. from your triple threat i could see you wasn't fully committed to going to the goal and niggas like lebron and kd going to see that and beat you to the spot you want to get to. you can't let them make you take the shot they want you to take, it's yo shot for a reason" he said putting the ball back in the same spot.

"this time free range. take any shot you want"

i grabbed it and locked in. i took my first big dribble right swatting his hand down so i could slide past and once he fully turned his hips to run behind me i quick stopped into my form to punk fake into a low dribble to the left and into a pull up.

"see that's that shit i like to see" he said clapping loud. the big clock on the wall read 4:08 so i knew i ain't got much longer.

"aight 2 more. no more middys tho" he said rolling the ball to me. i kicked it up with my foot and dribble to the right to try and push past him but he stepped in front

"i know yo bag already. show me something different" he yelled and clapped as i reset. we was on the right side of the court on the three. i dribbled a little deeper in the corner so he'd think i wanted to go to the basket before crossing between my legs from my right to left then wrapped it behind my back before doing a back to front between the legs and the three was wide open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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