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Little!Techno [0-1]

Requested by;n/a
Trigger warnings;crying,nightmare
A/n;this is really short , sorry. Also sorry for disappearing for so long , our system has been going through some things and we needed time to process -Saturn[host]
Word count;736[Sorry]

Techno had gone to bed big. He had! He swore he did. But when he woke up in a cold sweat, he plummeted. He sniffled, looking around rapidly, and upon seeing complete darkness and none of his comfort objects, burst into tears. Sobs escaped his lips before he could stop them, and before long, he was wailing. After a few seconds of wailing, hurried footsteps sounded down the hall. He whimpered and quickly hid under his covers. The scary monster was coming to get him! He heard his door open followed by a soft coo and more gentle footsteps than before walking towards him. He just cried even harder, he was scared! He was just a baby, what do you expect from him?

A gentle voice spoke. "Techno.. sweetheart, can you take off your blankie?" That was Mama! Oh no! Did the monster get her?! He only sobbed in response, clutching his blanket closer to himself. "I promise it's okay to come out sweetheart, I have Bun and Carrots here, do you want to say hi?" Techno hesitated before removing the blanket, revealing teary blue eyes and a quivering lip. It really was mama there! He let out another sob before Kristin scooped him up in her arms, holding him close and rocking back and forth while rubbing his back, whispering soft praises into his ear. "It's alright baby, I'm here now." She spoke softly. Phil came into the room shortly after, holding a paci and bottle. He had a sad smile on his face. Techno was mostly calmed down by now, just clinging onto Kristin like a lifeline. He had his two favorite stuffies, Bun, a red rabbit plush, and Carrots, a carrot squishmallow, squished between the pair. Soft sniffles escaped him here and there, but Kristin kept rocking him and rubbing his back and he was getting even smaller.

He was repositioned to a better suited position to give him his bottle, not that he really noticed, before cooking happily at the sight of his favorite pink bottle being handed to his Mama. Kristin smiled down at Techno and planted little kisses all over his face, making the baby in her arms giggle. She carefully fed him his bottle, to which as soon as it hit his lips, the effect was immediate. His eyelids drooped, and his grip on Kristin weakened.

He was startled awake soon after by a sound an angry bottle makes after being emptied. He sniffled and teared up , quickly being held close and comforted. "Did the noise scare you bubs?" Phil's voice, 'Dada's voice!' his sleepy brain supplied, spoke. He nodded and make grabby hands for Phil. Phil cooed as he was passed his favorite baby, hoisting him into his lap carefully and smiling as he laid his head on his Dada's shoulder. Phil held him as close as he could, a content little noise escaping Techno. A paci, his pink one with the word "Baby" on the handle, was held up to his lips, Techno groggily accepting the soother and making a small noise of gratitude.

"You wanna sleep in Mama and Dada's bed tonight Little Prince?" Kristin asked. Techno made another noise, trying to nod but failing miserably. He sucked lazily on his pacifier as he was hoisted up koala style against his Dada, carried towards his caregivers' room. Techno had a nursery, but they found when he was this small he got scared being alone. The being carried around made Techno's little brain float on cloud 9. He loved being carried and cuddled. His eyes drooped shut and if Phil could feel the slow clicking of Techno's paci against his neck, he didn't say anything.

When they got to Kristin and Phil's room, he was carefully laid down on Phil's chest, with his Mama putting an arm over him as well. He cooed happily, before the soft voice of Phil echoed lightly across the room once more, "Go to sleep Little Prince." And just like that, Techno was out like a light. Kristin and Phil exchanged a fond glance, before drifting off into Dreamland alongside their favorite little boy.

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