"We are not flirting!" Henry quickly turned to the other to defend his actions.

"Really?" Dylan positioned himself to the left of Henry. "Because I was totally flirting with you." He gave him a wink.

"Well, I mean, it's just. You, you know, you," Henry couldn't find the right words anymore, "can we get back to discussing the plans please?" Henry broke eye contact with Dylan as the others laughed.

"Ah, yes. The plan that has me and only me." Dylan looked between Ray and Henry, reminding them of his decision.

"Alright, we'll go with plan 6." Ray brought his hands up in surrender. "But if anything goes wrong, you call us, okay?"

"Aye aye, Captain." Dylan saluted Ray, who rolled his eyes in response.

6 p.m. rolled around and the meeting at Swellview Park had begun. Dylan came alone, but Michael had brought a couple of people with him. Michael was still sporting a dagger in his leg, curtesy of Dylan, to which he demanded be removed, but Dylan denied. He wanted to make sure that Michael still had a reason to speak with him, as Dylan complying to his demands was not the plan. It had to be the other way around.

"I know why you're here." Michael spoke up, a smile appearing on his face.

"Is that so?" Dylan wanted to know where the conversation was going, and how wrong Michael was going to be.

"You're here because you've realized just how right I am." Michael brought both of his hands over his sternum, smile never fading.

"And you were right about what, exactly?" Dylan cocked his head to the side. "I don't remember us even having a proper conversation." Michael didn't seem to like the words Dylan was saying, as he abruptly brought his hands back down and stormed over to Dylan, stopping inches from him.

"You've missed me." Michael grabbed Dylan's chin, but his hand was forced away, Dylan keeping it in a tight enough grip to hurt.

"Again, what exactly are you right about?"

Michael ripped his hand from Dylan's grip, slowly backing away. "I thought when you called you were gonna tell me that you're sorry."

"Sorry about what? I have nothing to apologize for."

"Is that what you think?"

"It's what I know."

Michael looked off into the distance for a moment, before brining his focus back to Dylan, clearly agitated. "So what are you here for then?"

"Your father."

"What about my father." Michael's interest was peaked.

"Do you still have those plans?"

"You mean..." Michael trailed off, his eyes narrowing.

"If you agree to leave me alone, and never come back, I'll help you with your father."

"And why is that? Why do you want to get rid of him?" Michael approached Dylan again, trying to find a reason as to why he was suddenly offering help.

"You know more than anyone that I hate what his machine did to me." Dylan stood his ground, his voice never failing. "I hate what he made me become." A lie, because technically Michael was the one who turned Dylan into a villain, but that wasn't something he needed to know.

"That is true." Michale bought it, looking Dylan up and down before speaking again. "I don't have the plans with me."

"Then get them. You know how to contact me."

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