Super happy crazy fun time Japan

Start from the beginning

Owen: Yeah!


We continued to fall until we landed in a bowl of rice.

"Yes! Japan! I know everything about this place!" Harold cheered. LeShawna popped up from the rice.

"What you know, just sent us free falling out of a plane!" she said angrily.

"But I went to sensei Steve's feudal Japanese summer camp!" Harold defended.

"Oh yeah? I speak Japanese too!" Alejandro chimed in.

"Wow, no one asked" I said flatly.

Alejandro turned to LeShawna. "LeShawna, hana no oni key'e" he flirted. I rolled my eyes.

"How's that?" LeShawna questioned

"He said that you are as beautiful as a flower" I said with an eyeroll

LeShawna giggled.

"You speak Japanese?" Alejandro asked me.

"Hai" I responded "Shō no subete no on'nanoko to ichatsuku no o yameru"

He smirked. "Shittodesu ka?" he asked

"Anata no yumenonakade, meinu" I responded icily "Watashi wa anata o hikōki kara hōridasu tsumoridesu"

We got out of the rice and went to some giant pinball machine. And I mean giant. Every contestant on the show could fit in it comfortably.

"Ok, your first challenge is inside a Japanese game show studio!" Chris announced. "Bow down before, Super Human Mega Pinball Smash!"


Alex: *Blinks twice* Ok, I'm officially confused


"I love Japanese game shows!" Tyler cheered, before high fiving Harold.

"Sweet!" Harold said "My favorite is Human Itchi My Car Go-Go! Where you have to throw a banana into a car window, using a-"

"Giant shrimp fork!" Tyler cheered "Awesome!". Chris hit a gong.

"Oh look! My own personal geek gong!" he smirked. Darn, that was actually kind of funny. 

"Kay, I'm gonna need one member from each team to get in these giant hamster balls. then your teams are going to beat you around the board, scoring points by bouncing you off bumpers and pumps. Most points win!" Chris continued "And, I've got a special local surprise for each of you to share your little ball shaped paradise with. So teams, choose a ball guy, or gal".

"We choose... Dj" LeShawna said.

"We do?!" Dj said in fear.

"Coolio. here's your pinball buddy!" Chris said, before tossing him a panda.


Scarlett: I thought we were in Japan?


"A panda?! NO!!! Remember what happened when I crumpled that mummy puppy?" Dj said, before explaining that when we were in Egypt, he petted a mummified dog, causing the entire pyramid to explode.

"That so totally did not happen! The mummy dog didn't explode, it just disintegrated, remember?" LeShawna corrected him.

"I remember when you knocked a poor little birdie out of the sky" Lindsay frowned.

The one time she remembers something.

"Exactly! Terrible!" Dj said "I think that dog thing might have cursed me"

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