Super happy crazy fun time Japan

Start from the beginning

Chris and Chef exchanged a look, before Chef sliced through the door, making us all fly out.

We screamed, and then the song bell went off.

"Seriously? I mean, seriously?" Noah yelled

"Sing, and I might think about saving your musical buttocks! Maybe you'll try harder this time!" Chris yelled through a megaphone.

Some music started


Courtney: We're singing as we're falling!

Heather: While some are cannon-balling!

Izzy: Yeah!

Alejandro: Our lives begin to flash before our eyes!

Noah and Owen: We might just go ka-blooey!

Harold and Tyler: Get smushed and become chewy!

Everyone: 'Cept there's tons we wanna do before we die!

Leshawna: Billionairess!

Cody: Billiards champion!

DJ: Make it home to see my mama!

Sierra: Marry Cody!

Bridgette: Catch a barrel!

Lindsay: Be an actress in a drama!

Courtney: Corporate lawyer!

Gwen: Prom destroyer!

Alex: Broadway performer!

Harold: Be a ninja with throwing stars!

Alejandro: Lion tamer!

Owen: New food namer!

Scarlett: Go to Harvard!

Tyler: Repairman for the parallel bars!

Noah: But first we must cease dropping, our goal here would be stopping!

Izzy and Alex: Before we smash into the ground from the sky!

DJ: Flat into little pieces!

Scarlett: End up looking like Harold *Smirks*

Harold: Hey!

Heather: that would really suck and here's why

Bridgette: We'd like to keep on living!

Alejandro: So , Chris we hope you're giving:

Sierra: Some wings!

Courtney: A jetpack!

Gwen: A rift in time!

Heather: Parachute?!

Noah: Waterbed!

Tyler: A trampoline!

Izzy: Springy shoes!

Alejandro: Rocket boots!

Scarlett: Airbag!

Alex: Magic carpet ride!

Lindsay: Flying squirrel!

Leshawna: Bubble bath!

Lindsay: I change to bubbles, too!

DJ: Momma!

Owen: Pizza! No! Chips and some dip will do!

Scarlett: Owen I am going to murder youuuuuuu

Everyone: 'Cause there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah, we said it! There's still so much to do, there's still so much to do, there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah!

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