Rant --The first one

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Hello and welcome today we will be ranting about........well... I am sure you have had the pleasure of reading something like this before!!!!! (And btw I was being sarcastic about the pleasure)

I mean I have nothing against oc's but like: 

Hello my name is <Insert long and overly complex name here> and I am such an unpopular kid!!11!1! I mean me and my friend <Yet another overly complicated name> always wear the newest style of clothes and always have perfect makeup, we sit with the popular kids at lunch and always have packs of hot Boizzz following us around!11!!

"I'm such a loser, not even my parents like me"

I sigh and look in my giant three-way full-length mirror that sits in my giant marble bathroom that connects to my beautiful gigantic bedroom that I do not have to share with my eight other siblings who I take care of on my own after my volunteer hours at homeless shelters, and my countless late nights that I dedicate to my schoolwork.

"I am such a bad person" I think to myself.

I stare into the mirror at my reflection which displays my natural blond hair, my luminous, amber, orbs (A/N WTF even are orbs, like I am not going to just walk up to my friend and be like hey, you got some nice orbs there) that seem to light up with an inner fire, my perfect complexion with not a single blemish in sight and my amazing body that even models are jealous of.

I shake my head "I'm so ugly"

And cut! That my peoples, is intense, packaged, made in China (or somewhere else) CRINGE

It hurts me just writing this!

I mean, every sentence there just literally contradicts itself!

I... I just cannot, this hurts me, and what is worse this would normally be written in one long book with no paragraph breaks!

I am not capable of reading a fic if it is in one large block like that! I just cannot concentrate!

Thank you so much for reading this pathetic excuse for a chapter!

A/N I swear on my life that none of this word vomit is meant to offend anyone!! It is all just random stuff that I rant about in my mind at 3 a.m. because I do not got a life. If you feel offended, Imaginary reader, please tell me so I can fix it!!

This sh*t is dedicated to @ThatPositiveShipper

- Negative 

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