𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁𝘀

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"Wait, wait. Why are you doing this again?" she asked as she watched Y/N pay for two tickets to the movie. She silently thanked the man behind the till as he handed her the tickets.
"I don't really know Yumehara." Y/N simply shrugged, placing the tickets in her pocket. She knew it was her second gift for the pink haired boy tomorrow, and she couldn't help but tell her best friend about her plan.

"Do... do you like him or something?" she asked hesitantly. Y/N stared at her for a moment before laughing.
"No, it's not like that!" Y/N explained, waving her hands and shaking her head. "He just seemed a little... down. Is there any harm in wanting to see a friend happy?"
"Well, no." Yumehara answered, furrowing her eyebrows.

"But it doesn't make much sense. You two aren't exactly the closest of people." Yumehara explained, trying to not sound jealous.
"Well maybe that is why!" Y/N exclaimed, smiling. "Maybe I just unconsciously want to get to know him better." Y/N shrugged. "Last time I hung around him was actually quite peaceful."
"So, you find him boring?" Yumehara tried to persuade.

The orange haired girl wouldn't admit it aloud but she still had a small crush on the pink haired boy.
"Pfft. No, that's not what I meant." Y/N chuckled, covering her mouth. Her eyes landed on a bakery opposite the duo, distracting her from her previous conversation. She didn't hesitate to drag her best friend into the pastel coloured building.

It was now the next day. Y/N had woken up early to place her letter she had written last night and the tickets inside the envelope onto Saiki's desk. She wondered if he knew she was going to give him another one again: the look of surprise on his face is what she wanted to see.

Soon enough, Kusuo Saiki entered the classroom and eyed the envelope on his desk. He assumed he wasn't getting a gift this time, and maybe it was a letter to explain who the mysterious messenger was.
He slowly opened it, to reveal the same handwriting as last time, and two cinema tickets to the new movie for tomorrow.

'Hey Saiki! It's your pal again! I hope you enjoyed the chocolate. This time, I got you tickets for you and a friend to go see the new movie for tomorrow. I hope the two of you have an amazing time, and I wonder if you'll possibly pick me. Have a good day strawberry shortcake! \(^^)/
From, mysterious messenger!'

His stomach slightly rumbled at the nickname, the idea of eating a strawberry shortcake at that moment didn't sound half bad. He thought for a moment as he stared at the tickets: 'I guess I am going to that movie. But with who?'

Saiki would admit, he would've preferred if the mysterious messenger just gave him one ticket. His eyes glanced over at a certain (e/c) eyed girl who was listening to music on her phone. She was someone who he didn't feel annoyed around, so she was his best option. He stood up from his seat and gently tapped her shoulder.

He subconsciously stared at the music playing on her phone as she went to pause it.
'10 hour loop of (f/s)'
"What's up, Saiki?" she asked, smiling up at him. He held out one of the cinema tickets. Y/N widened her eyes, her heart fluttering slightly.
'What is this weird feeling in my chest?'

"You... bought this for me?" she asked, looking at him with a surprised face.
"No, the person who wrote me that letter yesterday gave me two tickets." he explained. His eyes glanced to anywhere but her eyes.
"Would you like to go with me?" he asked, his voice low. Y/N smiled up at him, taking off her headphones.

"I'd love to! What time does it say on the tickets?" she asked.
"Half one. Do you want to meet at the cinema?" he asked. Y/N nodded, smiling widely.
"Yeah, sounds like a plan!" He nodded, handing her the ticket before heading back to his seat.
'It can't be her then. So who is it?'

Kusuo Saiki mentally sighed: he really wanted to know who was sending him these letters. Mainly out of pure curiosity. He would just have to hope that he would receive more, and possible learn more about the mysterious messenger.

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