Return to Me

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Tessa's POV

It had been 83 years. A long time. It was the time Tessa dreaded most, in fact, she wanted to go forward in time and skip this gloomy period. James hadn't aged at all, physically yes, though his heart remained young. He was gone now and had been for 2 months. Still Tessa had seen neither hide nor hair of Will. The only person on the Earth she still loved, he had promised to return once Jem was gone, probably to busy focusing on other women. It was raining that day when Tessa slipped into her black raincoat and grabbed a black umbrella. She walked to the cemetery on the outskirts of New York. She walked the path to Jem's grave. His ashes were in the Silent City, back to his fellow Silent Brothers. Yet Tessa buried his old jade cane from when they were 18 and his yin fen box. Just to keep his memory alive. She was crying as she came to her knees before the grave. Tears pouring from her eyes,

"Wǒ qīn'ài de." (My beloved), Tessa choked on a sob as she touched the smooth, marble tombstone. "God have mercy on your soul and remember you in heaven." She cried out the angel's blessing, one she always remembered after fighting Jahara.

Tessa crumpled into a ball, pouring out her tears. She didn't here the footsteps behind her, till she heard the thing she most needed to here,

"Tessa? It's-"

"Will." Tessa jumped up and turned to see him standing a few feet away.

Will's POV

Tessa ran into his arms, grabbed his hair, and pushed her lips to his. She dropped her umbrella and the rain cascaded down around them. Will closed his eyes, savoring Tessa's kiss. 83 years, he hadn't paid any attention to other women, waiting for her. He kissed up her jaw and down her neck.

"Tessa." He whispered against her skin.

"Will." She whispered back.

He drew up and kissed her again on the mouth. He parted her lips and tasted her mouth. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead on hers, both breathing heavily. Will stood there looking over her face as he brushed her cheek with his thumb, as his hand cupped her face. He watched a raindrop slide down her cheek.

"I didn't intend for us to meet like this again." Will let out a quick half-smile.

"Oh, Will..." Tessa started with watery eyes, "How did you intend for us to return to each other?"

"I was going to take to dinner and then maybe waltz to our favorite melody."

"We can always dance now." Tessa suggested. Will pulled back and looked up at the grey clouds,

"Why not? Tessa, may I have this dance?"

"Always." The two stood in the rain, dancing, humming, in harmony, the melody to a favorite of their's. Will stopped.

"What is i-" Tessa began, Will silenced her,

"Listen." Tessa stopped and heard the sad melody rolling from a violin. Tessa and Will turned to see James Carstairs's ghost leaning up against the cemetery's stone wall playing his violin. He winked at them, and continued playing. Shrugging, Will bowed to Tessa and offered his hand. Together, they waltzed in the rain and with that, two broken hearts were mended. The moment was heart-wrenching and beautiful at the same time. Will wished he could live in the moment forever. The song for him went to fast and it swelled to a finish, as Jem's ghost disappeared.

"Will you be alright?" Will whispered to Tessa, Tessa stole a final glance at Jem's fleeting outline.

"Yes Will, my heart will go on."



Oh my dearest reader,

I never thought this day would come! What am I to do? My fanfiction is over and to a conclusion. Please vote if you loved it, comment and tell me your thoughts. I always love feedback. Many thanks to GretaFrieburger, lilygurl266, and everyone else you commented/voted. I love all of you for the wonderful joy you brought me. Sadly our time together is over,

With Love,


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