~|Chapter 7|~

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After the argument with his mother, Inko went extreme low contact, completely and stated she never wanted to speak with him unless it was necessary. Deku had no problem with that, since he never really wanted his mother involved with his life anyway.

He's old enough to go little contact with her. What would he need to even update her about?

Inko had always been a slight stick in the mud about her son always being able to go out and have fun with friends. Why did it always bother her so much?

Oh well. She's not Deku's problem to deal with anymore. Now he can peacefully enjoy his life without her in it.

Bakugo POV

I'd always promise myself that I wouldn't fall in live with Izuku, but who wouldn't? Everything about him his amazing. His personality, his looks, and the fact he's quite a social person. I like how hes always able to have fun with his friends.

However, limits to being a sugar daddy is to not fall in love. But hell, I can't help it! Anytime I so much look at him, especially on a bad day, I just feel so much betted. It's like hes always able to light up any room he walks into. He's even good in bed, but I don't plan on having sex with him again unless hes comfortable with it.

I wanna ask him out on a date, but I also wanna take him on a vacation of his choice as well. He's always told me about going to Dubai and how it's a really luxury city. Although I'll have to figure out how to convert the money needed for the trip, I'm gonna make his dream come true, no matter what it takes.

Seeing him happy is all I want..

Deku POV

Being a sugar baby is actually pretty fun. I enjoy a lot of the things Kat buys for me, but I feel like I have too many things. I haven't really been seeing him much since I needed some time to decompress from what had happened with my mother.

I text him occasionally, and I've been trying to go shopping by myself to feel better, but it hasn't helped much. Money can't always buy you happiness, but in my case, thats the only thing I can turn to right now.

I love that Kat likes spending money on me but, I feel like he spends too much money on me..

Narrator POV

Bakugo went through the process of exchanging money to make the trip Deku wanted to come true. He also got some other things set up such as their plane, which they will be flying first class, a beautiful hotel, and a rental car for the time they're in Dubai, Now with everything set up, time to ask him out.

Bakugo sent Deku a text to wear something nice and meet him at the at the flower meadow by 7:30. Deku scavenged through his closet, trying to find something that didn't make him look like a 5AM stripper on a Wednesday.

He found a pastel pink shirt that had a hole in the shape id a heart in the center, along with flares sleeves. And to match it, he found some reddish pink leggings with a flared, floral pattern on the bottom. And to finish it off, he wore some white heels, and added some pretty necklaces and earrings.
He contemplated doing his make, but just figured some pink lipstick was enough.

Bakugo had sent one of his personal drivers to pick Deku up and was waiting for him right at the entrance of the meadow. They walked and talked for a bit, admiring all the flowers..

When they got deeper in, Bakugo suddenly stopped walking.

"What did you bring me here for?" Deku asked.

"Because, I have something important I wanna ask you." Bakugo replied.

"Ooo! A pretty butterfly!" Deku said as he focused his attention towards it.

Bakugo quickly picked up the bouquet of flowers he had left on the ground.

"You can turn around now.." He said.

Deku stopped paying attention to the butterfly and turned around. The bouquet Bakugo was holding had a little notecard saying, "Will you be my boyfriend?"
Deku let the wheels turn in his head for a moment.

"Kat, I...," Deku paused for a moment.  "Yes! Yes, I will!"

Bakugo got over the initial shock of Deku saying yes, and just gave him a hug. Deku hugged him back and the two of them spent a good couple hours walking around the meadow, admiring all the pretty flowers.

As they left the flower meadow, they were being driven home, when Bakugo said he had one more surprise for him. He pulled the two plane tickets for the trip to Dubai and showed them to Deku.

"The trip is next week darling. I suggest you pack early." He said.

Deku squealed with excitement, and gave him another hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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