Chapter 24: The Shroud

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"You are definitely more beautiful, Evie. The dress fits you perfectly," Sarah says as she turns to Evie who was very impressed by Jacob. As her gaze goes to Sarah, Evie barely had the time to see Sarah leaning in to capture her lips. "Thank you, dear," Evie says as she smiles while kissing the blond.

"Can't I come to the ball?" Jenifer asks as she stood behind the four adults next to Clara. Even Clara was not very happy she had to stay behind. She wanted to get into the action as well, but she was not ready by far. Even so, Sarah would definitely like to bring them to a ball at one point. The ringing of a soft small bell comes from the outside, announcing that the carriage had arrived.

"Well, it's time to go. And Clara, Jen, we will bring you along next time. Or why not organize one of our own?" Sarah says, kissing both girls on the forehead.

"We can?! Oh, Clara! Come, we should think it through! Who to invite, what kind of food..." Jenifer starts to excitedly say as she drags Clara with her. A sigh leaves Clara as she obediently follows. Jenifer sure has a lot of energy within her. Olivia smiles as she sees Clara following the other girl. Probably because another person of your age can only do some good. It may even be that Clara will be home more often.

"Alright, time to safe London, England, and probably the world. For now at least," Sarah says as she walks to the carriage arms linked with Evie.

The carriage was pushing forward at a steady pace. Olivia and Jacob sitting on one side while Evie and Sarah sit on the other. It was a pleasant surprise as they got off. What also makes Sarah happy is how she behaves around Jacob. It makes her feel relieved to see Olivia with more to live for.

Considering the dark times she had, it is good to see her moving on. However, she promised to whatever rules over this earth, she will murder Jacob if he does anything wrong and hurt her. He will find no shelter, no help. Only vengeance in the cruelest form.

"Halt," a voice says. The palace sprawling in front of them and now a Royal Guard stops them. Probably for their invitation. Sarah leans a bit to the left to see just what she thought.

"Invitation, please," the man says while holding his hand out. Jacob hands two invitations out and soon enough they were standing in front of the residence of the queen.

If ever doubted that the palace would be anything but a marvel of architecture and wealth, you would be very wrong. At a glance over the interior and one can see the highest quality of furniture, painting with such skill and detail, walls that sparkle, and rugs that come from all corners of the world. One could easily see that Britain controls the world, or at least has wealth not many nations have.

"The Queen certainly has more money than us..." Olivia murmurs as she admires the building and decor of the ball.

"How wealthy are you sisters, if you don't mind me asking," Jacob asks them. "Very wealthy. We are the proud ladies of a plot of land that lies in the north of England, have multiple thriving businesses across London, and are looking into moving to some other sectors. Although, we must say that we are quite content with what we have now," Olivia answers the man holding her arm.

"Goodness gracious me..." Jacob mutters with shock.

"Yes, dear, you won't have to starve while you live with us," Olivia chuckles, "Jacob and I will find Abberline and deal with the Templar guards. You two find the vault?"

"Will do, sister dear. Good luck," Sarah says while waving as they walk away. "Shall we?" Evie nods and they start to walk toward the water.

"How do you even have time for me, Clara, or Jenifer? It seems you would be overwhelmed with work, Sarah," Evie says.

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