Everyone needs each other

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I don't own anything. If there's any problem just lemme know and I'll try and fix it like copyright or just grammar.

3rd person for now


We see a person in some sort of bus that has 6 other people inside, almost as odd as the group was, the bus comes to a stop.

"Ah shit, not again," A man said getting up from his seat to grab his hand axe. "Hey Doc... can I get some healing real quickly before I'm out again?" the man dressed in prison guard armor.

"[Guard], of course, I can do that for you. Just hold still for a moment," the person we saw before titled [Doctor] getting up to heal and massage the guard, making him more relaxed and pumped up for battle.

The bus door opens and the [Guard] charges out with his hand axe to the battlefield of hoards of zombies approaching the bus. Almost everyone gets up prepping for combat as well and lining up before 2 people, the doctor and a man with a beret and gas mask.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, is everyone ready for this shit again?" the man with the beret said. "Alright [Doctor], do your thing, and let's roll out," the presumed Captain said to the Docter as they started to heal and massage everyone quickly.

After everyone was loosened up, including the Captain as well they all left through the bus exit to the battlefield to follow up on the soon-to-be dead Guard. The Docter saw [Guard] was barely standing his ground and ran forward to drag Guard back to heal up and put him back in the bus.

"C'mon big guy, stay with me. Everything is gonna be alright," Doc said to [Guard] as he tried to resist, not wanting to leave the battlefield. "Please [Guard], stop resisting and let me heal your wounds first at least if you want to go back to fight with everyone else," the Doc begged for Guard's safety.

Ultimately Guard gave up and used the Doc to support his barely standing legs to the bus. As the bus door opened Doc somehow got Guard inside, getting their kits and sitting Guard in their "Medical station" at the back of the bus.

"Alright, you know the drill Grant," Doctor said as Grant took off his gear and helmet showing his roughed-up hair that slightly covered his eyes. Guiding the man named Grant to a chair to sit, Doctor grabbed a clean cloth soaking in some anti-bacterial alcohol to rub some blood off his skin and clean his wounds causing some flinches from Grant.

"Don't worry Grant, I'm almost done cleaning. I'll do one more thing for you before you can go and help the others, okay?" Doctor told Grant, getting a grunt in response. After finishing cleaning the blood and wounds Grant had, the Doctor went to grab some water and a small protein bar from a little cabinet.

Walking back to where Grant was Doctor gave him the water and bar, getting a confused look from Grant. "Why are you giving me these Y/n? Don't you need these?" Grant questioned the Doctor named Y/N. "Of course, but everyone needs them more than I do, everyone is fighting so hard to survive in this nightmare," Y/N said holding Grant's hands, and giving him the water and protein bar.

"Now then, get your gear and let's go help everyone," Y/N said to Grant as they went to go grab their needle gun.

With Grant healed up and energized Y/N and Grant exited the bus to see everything is going well but the Captain was fighting off a sapper. Grant charges towards the Captain to kick the sapper away, breaking its heavy armor.

"About time [Guard], go to the front with [Soldier]," Captain said to Guard. Soon Guard and Soldier were able to break through the barricade that blocked the path of the bus. Everyone retreated into the bus and lined up before Captain and Y/N.

-Inside the bus-

"Everyone, you know the drill, anyone injured goes to Y/N, repairs to go to Wesley, and if you don't need anything then just rest," Captain said getting a Yes Cap from everyone except Y/N and Wesley.

-Timeskip- (sorry I'm feelin a bit lazy)

"Hey Y/N, mind if I take a minute of your time?" Cap asked Y/N. "Of course Carter, what's the matter?" Y/N asked curious about what Cap might need.

"Thanks for healing Grant, if you hadn't then he and I would have been dead already," Carter said grateful for Y/N giving a small bow.

"We both know it's my job to keep everyone healthy and well Carter," Y/N said sitting down on a seat that was moved to the window. "C'mere Carter, you need to sleep," Y/N said after looking at their watch and patting their thighs.

Looking down in embarrassment Carter takes off his mask and beret and walks to the bus seat and lays down with his head on Y/N's thigh pillow. Y/N then sings a lullaby to Carter so he can rest easy. (if the Video isn't working just type Inuyasha Lullaby into youtube)

After softly singing Y/N hears Carter's soft breathing they slowly lift his head to put a real pillow and cover him in a roughed-up blanket that's been sewn by the one and only Dr. Y/N. Exiting the medical room Y/N goes to check up on everyone to see everyone sleeping except the driver who looks very tired. "Bill, I'll drive. Get some sleep, you've worked enough today," Y/N told Bill as he yawned and gave a thank you before going in the back. Deciding to set camp, Y/N drives toward a secluded area and parks the bus.

-Timeskip to morning-

Waking up first and feeling the bus isn't moving the only other girl on the bus goes to find Y/N so they can have their routine while everyone is asleep to find Y/N in an apron outside cooking something that smelled amazing.

Running towards Y/N, the girl titled [Pepper] hugs them giving them a jolt in surprise. "Priscilla, haven't I told you not to sneak up on me while I'm cooking?" Y/N lightly scolded Priscilla. Not caring too much Priscilla just moves in front of Y/N and hugs them.

"I really am becoming a mother aren't I," Y/N says to Priscilla getting a hum in response. "Why don't you go inside and wake everyone up, okay?" Y/N asks Priscilla. Reluctantly not wanting to stop the hug, Priscilla goes inside the bus to wake everyone up for breakfast.

A minute passes and everyone comes out of the bus and sits down on the makeshift tables. "Alright everyone, breakfast is ready," Y/N said giving everyone a plate of food of bacon, eggs, and some semi-toasted bread from the canned rations.

Getting thank you's from everyone Y/N grabs their plate and sits between a VERY large man titled [Soldier] and Grant. After everyone gets their first bites in Y/N asks how it tastes, getting positive reviews and a side hug from the ever-so-silent giant Soren brings a smile to Y/N's face.

 After everyone was finished with their breakfast, Carter spoke. "Alright everyone, you know already know what to give to mo- I mean Y/N," Carter caught himself from saying mommy but Y/N smiled at the mistake. Getting a hug from everyone was the routine after every meal to show appreciation to them.

After the exchanges, everyone helps Y/N pack up the utensils and tables into the bus. "Everyone ready?" Bill yelled into the back of the bus and got yeah's. Bill starts the bus and drives off into the unknown to hopefully find the cure to this mess of a world.

What do you think? Good? Bad? Too feminine? let me know in the comments. Remember if you want this to be a book just say it.

Anyways have a good night or day where ever you are.

...Thanks Doc (Dead Ahead Zombie Warfare x Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now