E/6 | Frozen

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*I wanna make a Crewel appreciation chapter where he flirts with the male MC

- Cafeteria -

Vil and Leona currently can't move because of one thing, the slap represents the obsession of the Princess into finding her Ideal Prince for a total of 500 years—bounds everyone's magic and paralyzes their body, avoiding them to move—and their arrival only extended her anger since they're claiming they're her Ideal Prince even tho they're not...

     "Toying around a maiden's heart is unacceptable! Having all of you frozen in an amount as the same of my suffering for finding my Ideal Prince!" Eliza told them, scaring everyone. "500 years?! That's despicable!" Sebek yelled.

     "To think there's a ghost who can paralyze living things with a slap. That ability only parallels her sufferings from the past 500 years," Trey remarked, afraid that he'll get slapped too.

Leona and Vil are throwing insults at the Princess, who she didn't mind since they're already bound to stay like that for 500 years. The two dorm leaders were angry because how they were both rejected because of nonsensical matters, it doesn't concern them either way...

     Jack's senses told him to leave right now, "If the two dorm leaders are rejected, we might as well retreat—" But he was interrupted when the Princess called for him. "The one with fluffy ears and looking for someone reliable," she called.

     The wolf tensed and bowed in front of the princess, sweating in fear, "I'm Jack Howl," he introduced himself. "Well, Jack, how's your sword skills? How big were your enemies that you have defeated?" She asked weird questions. "Do you have a sword you inherited from your ancestors?"

     "Sword? I don't need those. With this fist, I can—"

     "Reject!" The Princess slapped Jack. The wolf winced in pain as he fell to the ground, "You can't save a princess in danger without a sword like that! There's no way a prince like you exist!" She added. "Next! The one with beautiful sharp eyes!"

     "I'M SEBEK ZIGVOLT!" He introduced himself. Eliza clapped her hands, "Very well. What kind of instruments do you play? Piano? Or perhaps a flute?" She asked.

Sebek huffed in pride and started to talk about how Malleus is amazing in every kind of string instrument. The way he plays the violin is ethereal as he plays a soft melody, he makes everyone tense if they hear him play the cello, and it only suits him since he's mysterious—that's when the Princess yelled reject and slapped him hard...

     "How rude! Can't you see I'm not done talking yet?!" Sebek yelled. The princess huffed and crossed her arms, "You're the rude one! Bringing up another person to a such romantic scene we're having is not very princely at all! Next, the one looks good in spectacles!" She called Trey.

     Trey bowed, "Hello, Your Highness. I'm Trey Clover—" He stopped when the Princess was crying when she saw him fully close. "I can't do this! I'm so sorry! It's best to leave each other alone, goodbye!" She ran.

     The vice dorm leader was astounded and looked at the twins, "Should I chase her?" He asked them. Floyd shrugged, "I don't know. Prolly," he told him.

     "Please, come back! Wait!" Trey called, running after the Princess. The vice dorm leader took her arm, spinning her to look at him, "Didn't I say I don't want to see you again? I'm begging you, don't make me feel so troubled!" She created an exaggerated pose.

     "Trey-san, you should sing now," Jade told his fellow vice dorm leader. The Heartslabyul resident wasn't happy about singing, but the Octavinelle student tried to convince him, "You need to create a romantic mood. That way you'll touch a woman's heart."

Trey started to sing a song—a horrible one to be specific. The other ghosts are even terrified because of the misused lyrics while Jade was sighing as he pinched his nose from embarrassment. As usual, he was rejected by the Princess knowing damn well it won't work...

The vice dorm leader of Heartslabyul internally sobbed since he's just a normal high-schooler that can only think normal things, making Eliza and Jade disappointed because it's not a princely thing after all...

     "Next one! The one with half-lidded eyes!" She called for Floyd. The silly twin grumbled and looked at the Princess, "You're being troublesome~! Can I just squeeze her~?" He asked his brother.

*Slap* As expected, he was rejected too because he said something unrelated about his whole purpose of coming here. Floyd was sobbing from how it hurts with Leona snickering at his misery—under the noise of the slapped people, she called the last survivor among the seven...

     "I'm Jade Leech, do go easy about me," he smiled at the Princess and bowed. Jack's cheering for Jade in the background, as the obedient twin took a flower from his back, "As a sign of approaching, please accept this flower," he gave it to the Princess.

     The Princess looks touched and sniffed the flower's fragrance, "I love this flower, so pretty. Is this for me?" She asked and took Jade's offered palm. The obedient twin nodded, "Indeed, it is. It suits your beauty very much," he complimented.

Everyone was amazed at how he was ready for these things, having Vil hoping it'll work out and Sebek being surprised he even has a flower ready. Floyd, who wants to drag his brother by his side, decided to ruin his chance...

     "Jade, you're too slick," Floyd uttered. "Isn't that a poisonous flower you took from the mountains the other day? Just because you don't have a place to grow it, you decided to give it to her?" He asked.

     Jade nodded, "Indeed, it is poisonous," he replied. "It would damage the other plants near it, as well it can give rashes to the ones who touch it with a bare hand. It seems it doesn't work on ghosts either way, so I have learned something new—"

     Eliza dropped the flower and slapped Jade, "Unsettling! Reject!" She yelled. He was now frozen with his brother, "It does hurt!" He complained.

To think Jade is close to putting the ring on her left finger if only Floyd shut up, who doesn't want to be left out by his twin who's close to saving everything? All members are down since they aren't princely at all, but how could they even know how to propose to a Princess if they're just normal students? It's only hard for them...



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