Flower Crown (Lilia)

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"LILIA-SENPAI" yelled a H/C haired girl as she runs toward Lilia, while he was in the Diasomnia family, Lilia stopped and turn his head and glace where he hear his name. "Lilia-Senpai!!!" the H/C-haired girl exhale as she was running. "Oh dear, Are you okay?" Lilia looks at the Y/N worrying asking if she's okay. "I...I'm okay...hehe" Y/N while catching some breath, then a few minutes Y/N fix her posture, and then she looks at Lilia with a smile on her face. "Lilia, Are you busy today?" Y/N ask to hope Lilia would say no, " Yes, I am busy, right now I have duties with Malleus, right now, why?" Lilia glanced at Y/N a bitter appearance on her face.

"Oh, I-I was gonna-" was interrupted by Sebek, " Human!! Lilia-sama has a meeting right now, and it's really important for him to discuss future plans for the future king of Valley of Thorns!" Sebek yelled at Y/N. Silver look at Sebek with annoyance on his face, "Sebek, can you stop yelling, and talk normally for once? Also, you didn't let Y/N finish her sentence, and that was kind of rude of you." he defends Y/N, and Sebek glare at Silver, " But we are running out of time for an important meeting, and this human interrupt us!" Sebek yelled furiously.

Y/N felt guilty that is her fault they are running out late, "Um, guys it's alright. Go on with your meeting, and don't worry about me." she forces a smile, but Lilia notes that Y/N is making a fake smile on her—Lilia knows when she's faking her emotions. Malleus murmurs something that none of them heard him say something, and after that Diasomnia's family left leaving Y/N behind.

'I hate myself so much,' Y/N sadly thought to herself, 'ugh I don't want to cry maybe I would be in Ramshackle dorm.' then she went back to her dorm.

When the Diasomnia family was about to enter the mirror hall to go to their dorm, Malleus halted and his bodyguards stop too, Lilia look at Malleus with inquisitiveness, "Something, wrong, Malleus?" Malleus glances at Lilia, "No, but I would like to say something to you, Lilia." Lilia stood back slightly, "Oh? What is it, Malleus?" waiting for Malleus to respond, "I would for you not to go to this meeting and spend time with Y/N, I know this meeting is very important for my kingdom, but I need for you to take a break." Malleus answered.

Lilia was shocked a bit, "Are you sure, Malleus?" then Malleus nodded, " Don't worry, I would tell you in private about our agenda after you come back from break." Sebek was shocked that his lord would make Lilia miss the meeting before he could say something Silver spoke up first and turn to Sebek, "Sebek, don't even try to stop Lilia, and Master is right he needs a break since he has been taking our place guarding Malleus, these past few weeks, so he does deserve a break at least just a day." Silver said—while he look at Sebek in concern. And Sebek was still gonna say something, but he gave up already and bothered to answer anymore.

"Alright, Malleus I will my leave now." and with that, he teleported away, 'Old Man, I wonder where he went, hmmm.' Silver thought about it—as the rest group went to the mirror back to their dorm.

Y/N brushes off the tear from her face—suddenly she hears a knock from her dorm house. She gets up from her bed and goes downstairs, then walks toward the front door, once she opens the door, to her surprise, it was Lilia at door.

"L-Lilia-senpai, what are you doing here? Don't you have an important to attend to?" Y/N curiously asks, why is Lilia in here, " I got a break from it, well more like a break, so I wanted to listen, to what you wanted to tell me back inside before I was going to the meeting." Lilia looks at Y/N softly.

Unknowing, Y/N close the door behind her, and both of them were inside the living room with the chimney on with a medium fire. Y/N felt shy and nervous that her heart beating so fast that it could burst any minute now. "I wanted to give you something, since the morning but I was really really nervous, and I was gonna give you when I saw you talking with Cater and Kalim in your Music light club, but I was like 'maybe I would give this lovely gift for you' then I did wait, but then..." Y/N softly sob and continue, "then you have a meeting to attend to, and I know is really important for you as Malleus trusted advisors but I kind of wanted to forget as soon I went here at my dorm."

Lilia glanced at Y/N beam in his eyes, " Fufu, my dear, you are really sweet to me. I'm glad you care for me," Y/N smiled at him—a blush appear on her face, "My dear, where is that lovely present you have for me, hmm?" he said—as he gave her a kiss on the cheeks.

Y/N blush hard, "Ah yes I still have it, let me bring it here, and something simple! Wait here!!" she nervously asks—and right away Y/N runs upstairs and goes to a crown made of flowers—all in pure flower white. Then she goes downstairs and sees Lilia waiting for her on the couch, while she hides the gift on her back.

Then Y/N sits down on the couch together with Lilia, "I hope you like it, Lilia-senpai." as she hides her blush. She reveals the gift and it's a flower crown with Begonia adorned around the crown, then she gives them to Lilia.

Lilia looks at his gift before looking at Y/N, "Dear, t-this is lovely..." Y/N blush softly and nervously laugh, "I know this is not the best gift, but I tried, and I thought you gonna like it....." Lilia glances at Y/N and smiles at her, "My Dear, I love it!! The best thing is that someone gives me something in return, well you know as a gift, and it does not matter, what type of gift it is. I will still love it and treasure it!!"

Y/N was gonna about to say something, but Lilia hugs her gently, "Fufu, my dear, no matter what gift you give me I will still love, so matter" as he continues hugging Y/N—and Y/N hug him back, while she smiles on her face.

That's how Lilia and Y/N fell in love, and who knows how long their relationship is gonna last, humans don't live forever...

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