"George should go first to test it," Clay laughed, "It was his idea."

"Oh, fine," George rolled his eyes, stepping in.

His reading was quite average and Clay and Nick weren't waiting long at all. The woman told him that while George's last "love" was unrequited, it was very temporary and she could sense that his heart was very open to new experiences and new people. Evidently, George's soul radiated a sensitive but positive energy, packed with hope and patience; she told him his career was only going to continue to grow larger thanks to those qualities.

Next was Nick, who was told that he had a wild heart that yearned for constant adventure and new joys but needed something consistent in his life to keep him grounded. Her advice was to not let himself drift too far away from familiar things while exploring new and interesting opportunities that found him.

And now—Clay's turn.

Clay stepped through the tent, the curtains sweeping closed behind him, leaving things quite dark. He sat in the chair that was there across from the woman running this little stand. Putting her elbows onto the table, she held her hands out to Clay.

"I'll need to hold your hands to read you."

Clay put his hands into hers, watching as she closed her eyes and let her head fall slightly, hair obscuring most of her face now.

He could hear the woman softly breathe out as she squeezed his hands a little, concentrating. There was a tiny gasp as she made a connection, now able to read the man before her.

"You're a very busy and ambitious worker, that's evident from the minute I connect with you. There are... a lot of emotions stirring inside you, they're quite intense. Most of them seem to center around a specific man. You've been waiting for an admission from him and your hopes seemed to have wavered in the past, but you're content in this moment. You both are... very closely entwined, spiritually. Fate has brought you together. Your souls are so close, I may... I may be able to read him through you, if you would like."

"Really? Please," Clay accepted the offer quickly.

Silence fell between them as the woman kept her head down.

"This man you love—his soul has existed for longer than the number of years he's actually lived. Do you know anything about this?"

"Ah, no..." Clay said softly.

"I understand. His emotions and aura are all very messy, not very organized like yours. He's difficult to get a proper read on..." she stayed quiet for a minute before speaking again, "There is certainly a very deep love stirring inside him but it was troublesome to find—it's overshadowed by an immense feeling of guilt. I'm not sure what the guilt is for, everything is quite... cloudy. If I—"

The woman suddenly let go of Clay's hands and recoiled with a sharp breath, eyes wide. Clay just sat there, confused and unsure of what just happened or what to do.

She quickly scooted her chair forward again, rolling Clay's sleeve down to reveal a quickly fading but bright pink pig insignia on Clay's wrist. It was in view for merely a second before it disappeared, fading away to clean skin.

"It appears my connection was forcibly severed. I assume it must've been him—you recognize the symbol, yes?"

"Yeah, that was his."

"I suppose he's not fond of others peeking into his inner workings like that... It's understandable, though. I didn't expect him to have a link to you like that, or be able to use magic. Normally I'd be able to sense it, so your lover must be incredibly skilled.

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