05. | DESIRE

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They were going into the second to last game: Sands of Time.

"We've got this, guys, we're in second place in points right now," Phil reassured, patting Tommy's back.

Clay took a deep breath, glancing up at Dave; Clay could never seem to read the larger man's expression unless he wanted it to be read.

"I dunno, I'm scared I might mess up..."

"You'll do fine, you've been carryin' the whole game," Dave smiled slightly.

Tommy mumbled something to himself as they were all lifted up and teleported into the map.

They spent the two minutes before the game began hyping each other up, reassuring one another that they were going to win no matter what.

"We have to make sure we get the vaults, vaults are worth so much," Dave reminded them.

"Yeah, the vaults are important," Clay nodded, "I think I'm gonna go in the middle."

I'm gonna head left," Dave said.

Phil nodded to him, "I'll go to the right."

Tommy, go around gettin' the sand from the middle and keep watch over that area," Dave instructed.

Tommy hummed, "Right."

"We all need to make sure we at least bank," Clay said, "If you die just try and remember where."

The game's countdown timer finished, officially beginning the eighth game.

All four each split off in their respective directions, Clay and Dave making eye contact one last time as they split up. Tommy swiftly began shoveling up sand, watching the little counter go up on his wrist as it vanished into a wisp of hot-pink magic, scanning the large room.

"I've got all the sand from the middle, if you have any make sure you bring it back."

It was strange to still hear Tommy's voice so clearly, but all four were used to the Grand Championship's magical properties by this point.

The other three chorused a "yes" and continued on in their respective areas.

Dave shoved another zombie back, piercing its chest with his iron sword, clearing out the room. He snatched up every coin in sight and climbed up out of the hole he was in, running further into the rocky temple.

"Anybody got a green vault key?" Dave asked as he stumbled upon the bright green door, blazes floating around him threateningly.

"I have a blue vault key-?"

"Nope, I'm in a rusty key."

"Mark the coords of that room D-uh, Techno, so we can come back to it later if we need to," Clay said.

Dave hummed, "It's just right next to middle."


They all went quiet, focusing intently on fighting through the pockets of enemies dotted throughout the temple. Clay grunted, barely dodging a skeleton's arrow as he fought yet another green, undead corpse. He'd found only a few pieces of sand thus far, but had more luck with coins.

"I'm tryin' to find a spot nobody else has already gone to," Dave mumbled.

"You can come with me, this part's basically a labyrinth," Phil offered.

Dave went into a new section below, going to join where Phil was, "Ah, down here. I'm gonna head to the right of here."

'That looks like pain, ' Dave thought as he stared down into a hole of spiders, skipping over it entirely. He broke down the four magma cube spawners in the next room, returning to the spider den and frantically throwing a torch down, carefully fighting each creature one at a time. He broke the spawner, collecting a few more pieces of sand down in the next chamber attached.

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