Chapter Three:A Visit To Gringotts.

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Harpers POV.

After opening my presents, I've recieved a lot of books including traditions and customs for the Wizarding world.

"So if your ready Harper, I can take you to diagon alley later and we can go check out Fortesques ice cream parlor for your birthday".

"I'd like that Mr. John, thank you".

I thanked as he looked behind him to see Ace looking at him while making noises that sounds like giggles.

"Oh ha ha, laugh it up why don't you".

I snickered when Ace made a laughing noise as I read through the traditions and customs book.

After an hour, I've finished reading through the traditions and customs. They were interesting to say the least, especially the hair bit. It said that a witches hair is sacred and precious. Indicating that the length of the hair determines the power of the witch the longer it grows.

My hair is black and reached up to my shoulders, confusing me as I looked at John, he was reading silently beside me on the couch.

"Uhm Mr. John, I don't think it's right because my hair is short, does it mean I don't have much of magic in me?".

John shook his head as he had a thought. Then after a while, he stood up.

"We need to go to Gringotts, you might have blocks that is forcing your magic to restrain itself".

I nodded as I followed him to the fireplace, he brought me in the fireplace with the ashes in the pot. Of course, Ace came in with me too as he stuck in between me and John's legs.

"This is a transportation through the floo network, the floo network can take you anywhere if you have powder or access. Now keep your arms and legs inside the fire place at all times until we make it to our destination. Gringotts!".

Just as John shouted that, he aimed for the fireplace as the fireplace erupted into green flames. It didn't feel painful, it felt pleasant.

After the burning, we were escorted out of the fireplace with Ace following me from behind. He shrunk himself to the size of a house cat and jumped to my shoulders like a neck pillow.

I looked around, we were in a beautiful hallway with white marble walls and the floor being prestine that I can sort of see my reflection.

"Ah Mr. John Woods, how may Gringotts serve you today?".

A goblin from a desk asked as me and John had approached the desk, I looked at John with confusion as he handed me his ID card.

Name:John Woods.

Agent of the ICW, Magizoologist, Unspeakable and American Auror.

"Good evening Master goblin, I have came asking for assistance for young Harper here has blocks on her".

John had guestured to me as I looked up at the goblin as he looked at me and eyed Ace in a confused manner but shrugged.

"Well, I will escort you to our healer but what's her name?".

John looked around and saw the autotorium is full today.

"Maybe we can discuss this privately?".

"Very well".

The goblin had changed his 'open' to 'gone for fifteen minutes, please try another teller'.

Narrators POV.

John, Harper and Ace had been escorted to an office by the goblin.

"Okay now that we are alone, why are you housing a nundu in Gringotts?, I mean it's impressive you are but it's bad for the publicity".

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