Chaper 3 - Raven

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*ok so this is before The last encounter with raven and apple, sorry the timeline is a bit weird lol*

I'm sure you could hear my sobbing a mile
away. Not that that would make any difference to the rate at which the tears are falling down my face.

I don't know why I'm suddenly crying like some sort of lunatic, I guess it's because it's all just hit me, I'm never going to be with Apple, ever. It's pathetic I know, but when you love someone that bad, it's hard not to feel like this every day. oh well, at least I have maddie.

Maddie is my other best friend and has been there with me from the very beginning. She was my first ever friend, the one who understood me when no one else could and knew I wasn't just an evil queen like my mother. She is also the only one in the world who knows about my crush for Apple.

"Oh raven, now, now, now it's ok" Maddie pats my head sympathetically, making my chuckle a little. "Maddie It's just not fair." I cry thumping my head on the table. "What have I done to deserve this God, what?"
"Well you are the daughter of the most hated woman in the world but.." maddie says. I groan sarcastically, "your really helping me out here, thanks" She grins and then places her hand in mine. "It's ok raven, you might still have a chance with her you never know"
"Well, easy for you to say maddie, you and kitty didn't even have to confirm each other's sexuality's, you both just dived right in  and kissed each other." 

It's true, it was undeniable that maddie and kitty had had feelings for each since day 1 at ever after high. They would always flirt with  each other and pretty much everyone in the room knew they were destined for each other. "Yes but sometimes that's the right thing to do, go for what you wanna do!" Maddie says, still holding firmly on to my hand.
"But what if she's straig-!" I say but maddie interrupts me "and it doesn't always have to be about Apple either"
"Huh" I reply dumbfounded,

"Isn't it obvious, you have been talking about it for months now." I'm about to ask what the fuck she is talking about but then I suddenly realise. "Ohhh, you mean about legacy day"
"Yeah, about legacy day," maddie starts ; "sometimes you just have to dive in and go for what you wanna do, get it now?" Yes I think I do, she's talking about signing the storybook of legends. Or should I say, NOT signing the storybook of legends.

Like I mentioned before, legacy day is where we sign the Storybook of Legends to follow in our parents footsteps. Although this isn't exactly the best for the rebels (fairytales that aren't princess and stuff) like me. So me and maddie have been discussing for a while how I could get out of this dreaded event. Around a week or two ago, I mentioned the idea to Maddie, that I don't sign the storybook of legends. I'm still not really sure if it's a good idea as headmaster Grim says if someone ever decided to not sign, they would cease to exist. Like, What the Fuck does that even mean?

I don't really know, I guess I shouldn't do it, but deep down I feel like it's my only option.
"But know one's done it before!" I explain to maddie. "So, I guess you'll be the first to do it and start a revelution oooh" madder giggles and claps her hands together. "This is gonna be fun" I roll my eyes and take a look at Apple who is on the other side of the classroom we're in. She's taking to Briar one of her best friends and seems to be distressed.

I realise I'm in a bit of a dilemma ; I chose my own destiny, although I'd be at risk of losing Apple, my favourite person in the whole world (or just simply cease to exist like headmaster Grimm says). Or, I could sign the story book of legends but I'd have to live out a whole lifetime of crime and misery but Apple would still be mine. Suddenly a thought hits me. But Apple wouldn't be mine, she would go live with daring in the royal castle an live out her wildest dreams. Or even if she was gay, I would be in prison and she would never want to be with me!

Apple suddenly leaves the room, I'm guessing to go to our dorm room. It doesn't matter, I've come to my conclusion, I'm not signing. I can't say what really made me decide, but I can say that living my whole life in prison whilst that excuse of a boy daring gets Apple, then there is pretty much no point in living anyway, it will be the same as ceasing to exist! I turn to maddie suddenly sad of the prospect of having my life back but never being with Apple.

"Hey maddie, I've decided I'm not signing" Maddies eyes light up, "yayayay, I'm so happy for you!"
"Thanks" I say solemnly. Suddenly tears start to well in my eyes again, and I can't help but let them fall into my cheeks. "What's wrong raven!" Maddie crys, coming over to my side. "I guess it's just hit me once again, I'm never going to be with her!"

Maddie bites her lip and then jumps up, "Raven , seriously, your the most amazing girl, if Apple doesn't want you then she's seriuosly insane." I chuckle but I'm still super upset. "look" she says, "your not winning her over whilst being here are you"
"No." I say through tears. "Of couse not, now go find her!" I nod and get out of my chair in search or apple, I head to our dorm room where apple is, singing to some birds. I flop onto my bed. Still crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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