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few weeks later

my grandma her funeral was a day or two ago i feel miserabel, why did she die right after we left for hawkins. it just isnt fair! "Y/N THERE'S MAIL FOR YOU HONEY!" i heard my mom yell from downstairs i ran downstairs grabbing the letter and got back to my room 

i looked at it curiously beofre opening it seeing robin sent me it

"dear Y/n, hi its me robin! remeber me right? ofcourse you do! well i missed you sm i decided to write to you. 
life in hawkins without you is so boring, and hard too enjoy. i hope you're doing fine? how was the funeral? i wish i was there for you..
steve still hasent found the right girl. it's kinda funny! i realise i lost count of how many girls he's been ona fdate with this week.. whitch is defenitly to much then! i've been studying allot for school. math is getting really hard. i hope to see you soon again
god i miss you

from your beloved girlfriend buckley"

i smiled at every single word she wrote. i was sure she is my fucking soulmate! after reading the letter i started writing one for her too. i didnt even finish writing my second sentence and heard my parents yell from downstairs too meet their dumb friends they met before we left for hawkins. grabbing my phone while rolling my eyes and went downstairs.

i saw a boy and a girl my age who looked allot like each other. the girl looked allot like allot like her brother since she cutted her her hair. she looked somehow pansexual. since she also got a septum nose piercing. "hi" i greated them with a smal smile. they both greated me back. "alright im going back upstairs" i said turning around before my mom stopped me with her words "take lilleth with you please, try getting allong" i turned around confused and saw the girl walking over too me "so you're lilleth" i asked curious

"yeah" she said with an attitude. i knew it would we intresting to hang out with this teen


almost every day of weeks that have past i was hanging out with this lilleth girl. like today. we were watching a movie, she had her hand on my leg and head on my shoulder (super 'plantonic') . she would do this more often then today only. was it plantonic? sure...i think? i totally forgot bour robin and replying too her. i was the one worrying that she would stop liking me but i think i was the one doing it too her


no replies, in days, weeks, months. i had realised she gosted me. i had 3 more letters for her in my room but fuck this. i was at worked bored, since i had too work alone today. i grabbed my phone opening my instagram, she posted on her close friends story. a picture of her and probally this stupid girl she met there. a picture of her and the other girl her hand on her thigh. after this i lost it. and sent her a whole paragraph.

"fuck you Y/n you ghosted me for months! probally dating this new girl your around all the time. im done waiting for you. i lost my patience your fucked up! i dont care anymore! you clearly feel more for her the you do for me! i knew we would end up badly. cm on you didnt think dating your best friend would actually be a great idea do you. i sen you a support letter. no reply. i sent you gifts. no gifts in return.i sent you goodnights texts, you ghost me, same things with the goodmorning ones. we are done. i tried and you didnt. have fun with your new gf!"


A/N: HAHA PLOTTWIST BITCHES! I WONE YOU LOSE! im so proud of this part honesty but yes maybe the things between the new girl and Y/N will grow idk its for you too find out!

my gay bestfriend || robin buckleyWhere stories live. Discover now