Part 2: Beyond Our Goals

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(Keep in mind these chaps gunna be shorter 'cause I'm testing stuff with the algorithm again.)


You came to slowly, the dark haze gradually lifting from your mind. Your ears finally found strength enough to hear. Dull it was, you could hear several voices, all masculine. All were calm, so that was a good thing. Your nose finally found strength enough to smell. Other than the usual odors of dirt and grime you were all too used to, you smelled something clean for a change. All around you smelled of fresh soaps and sanitized products. You also smelled blood. Dry, crusty blood that now coated your skin. Your skin finally found enough strength to feel. This came with a low groan, for your whole body was in severe pain from head to toe. From small burns to stabbing wounds, it took a lot in you just to keep yourself from crying out in agony. Your eyes finally found strength enough to open and see, for once they did you saw one of the four figures in the corner of this relatively dark room walk towards you. Your pain was forgotten for a brief moment. Instead you were in shock. A man, perfectly human in appearance, possessed eyes like none other. They were glowing. Not just the pupil or the iris, but the whole thing one solid white color.

Despite the appearance of his eyes, emotions could still be seen in them. Not much, but you could tell right off the bat this man had no intentions to harm. His expression was somewhat stiff and calculating for the most part, though. As he arrived at the side of your bed, neither of you having yet broken eye contact in that time, the man gently placed a hand of his on your arm nearest him. From that spot your entire body was suddenly filled with an unnatural warmth. And in just a few seconds, the pain that had just moments ago been a challenge not to cry about now had dulled down to a manageable degree.

"Are you feeling better?" The man over you inquired. You had to then notice that unlike the other figures in the corner, this one had a fine assortment of jewelry, including the three rings on the hand that had just...magically healed you?

You nodded very faintly. He visibly responded somehow so subtly you had no idea how he even did it.

"Can you speak?" He asked, still very monotone but somewhat caring too. You shook your head after a failed attempt. "Allow me." He placed the tips of two of his fingers on your throat and it too heated up, however not much more but a few scratches were made whole. You, now hoping a miracle had happened, tried again to talk. No sound came but a breath. "Ah, I see. You were previously mute." He commented. You nodded. "Well then. I hope to hear good things from your recovery." The tall, decorated man gave you half a bow before leaving the side of your bed. He pat a shoulder of one of the other men on his way out through a white, shiny door. You, losing the strength to keep yourself awake any longer, slipped back into a deep slumber.


"Hellooo~ Hello there?" Your eyes opened again, seeing a large hand obstructing much of your vision as it waved in front of your face. You squinted past the light shining down on your head to see a man who looked very similar to the white eyed man from before. His skin was an olive tan, possessing dark chocolate brown hair, a good, strong facial structure, and a small stubble beard decorating his chin. The differences between this man and the other you had seen, though, was that this one was wearing much more casual clothing, was a tad bit more built, and instead of demanding, glowing white eyes, he possessed simple blue ones. His beard also wasn't as finely manicured as the first. "Ah, good, so you are getting better!" He chimed, hand sliding away from your face finally so you could focus. "You've been asleep for quite a few days, pal!" You nodded a little. That was a good explanation for all the sore spots in your body now. Thankfully, by some kind of magic, hardly any pain from the cut or burn wounds. "Man, I can't believe what a terrible state you were in when I found you. You were only seconds from death! Good thing I found ya when I did, aye?" The man smiled. You didn't have much of a response to give him but a weak smile. That warmed the man's heart and he found himself smiling, too.

"Oh! Where are my manners?" The man took half a step back from the bed since he was practically leaning over you and bowed courteously. "The name's Prince Steven, but most people around here just call me Steve. Heh, I don't act much like a prince, so why carry the title?!" He chuckled. Your eyes widened a smidge. You had no idea by the looks of him that you were in the presence of royalty! "Awh, please don't give me that look. I really promise it isn't that big of a deal.... Hey, my brother said you were responsive when he came to visit the other day. Do you remember him? Y'know, white eyes and all? Kinda blingy?" You nodded. "Well his name's Herobrine and he's the king!.. Boy is he going to be happy to hear you're doing better! He used up a lot of his power when I first brought you in to keep you alive; half the country's been praying for your recovery!" He added, as if those words were not just the sweetest ones you had heard in your entire life...

"Hey.. What's wrong? Are you alright?" He noticed how quickly your eyes were filled with warm liquid. You didn't know if this was some kind of terrible joke or wonderful dream...but the mere thought that someone cared at all was enough to make you cry. And a king? An entire country?!

What was this? Heaven??


(Also when I refer to "demon" I am mostly referring to my own made up creature which I called demon just because I ran out of name ideas and Demon does the job. 👍)

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