I am pretty good in the kitchen and the art department.

So you take all the time you need up here I'm going to go set up our little date night at home.

Damn, she is right I'm gonna get my ass beat in this decorating competition.

As Hailee finishes packing her suitcase she makes her way downstairs to find y/n laying out the last of the candies on their massive dinning table.

*looks up* Oh hey. I just got done laying out the candy.

Its all in bowls, we do have to share the candy.

Other than all that we have our own supplies.

Okay, so where am I sitting?

Either spot.

Both have the same kits.

So what are we building here? *picks up box*

Ahh, a simple house thank god.

HAHA, I figured it would be the easiest.

So what are our rules?

Well since we have to assemble the house I think we should get 30 minutes to assemble and decorate.

I feel like that is too much time but I can use that to my advantage.

Alright, timer is set.

Say when.

1,2,3 GO!!!!

Hailee and y/n both pick up their icing bags and start to ice their houses together. Hailee slapped the icing on as fast as she could and stuck all the walls up hoping for the best. Meanwhile Y/n took her time icing the walls and sticking them together and letting them dry for a minute before adding on the roof. Hailee's house was finally all assembled before y/n had even put the roof on her house. Hailee's house didn't look perfect but it was together and it was ready to be decorated. So Hailee put as many little candies as she can fit onto the gingerbread house. Y/n had seen that Hailee had nearly finished her house and with 10 minutes left on the timer y/n started to decorate her house with the few candies that where left. To throw y/n off and slow her down Hailee began to toss little candies at her to throw y/n off of her game.

Can you stop tossing candy at me?

It's cute that you are this worried that you think throwing candy at me can save you.

Me worried?


My house looks great.

As the timer goes off y/n drops her icing bag and places her final gumdrop hedge on her gingeryard. And its as y/n places that final gumdrop that Hailee's house buckles from the lack of icing keeping the walls together.


*drops down to her knees*

Not the Ginger Condo.

It may not have looked amazing but I was proud of it.

Hey come on we can fix the walls they just need more icing.

Y/n ices the walls of the gingerbread house again and hold the walls together allowing them to dry for a minute.

Look it ended up working.

Ok I've got to get a picture of these things they both look good.

can we call it a tie?

Yeah we can call it a tie all that matters to me is that we had fun.

*kisses y/n*

As y/n pulls away from the kiss all the two heard was a thud. as they turned to the kitchen counter to face the houses they found them both destroyed on the counter.


If mine didn't stand we really just weren't meant to have gingerbread houses.

Well that's a little depressing.

You know what, I don't really like gingerbread anyways.

Should we make some actual Christmas cookies?

I think that sounds like a perfect way to redeem ourselves tonight.

We can be on the same team right?

Of course we can.

Now come on, let's go bake some cookies.

Hailee and y/n head into the kitchen and get out all of their ingredients and start to make their cookies. As always they make a giant mess in the process. There was flour all over the two of them and frosting was all over themselves.Hailee took timer selfies throughout the process and the two loved them so much they decided that they would send out a chaotic kitchen Christmas card. Thankfully their Christmas cookies turned out better than their gingerbread houses and their date night was redeemed. And to finish of their date night they took a stroll around the neighborhood to look at all the Christmas lights their neighbors had put up.

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