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Leo's mom had recently got married to the Donald Davenport who owns Davenport Industries.

"welcome to your new home, Mrs Davenport!" Donald exclaimed. Leo slumped through the door carrying a suitcase and bags dumping it on the floor once he was inside.

"We get it. you got married. it's getting old. Wow! you got this big house just from inventing things" Leo looked around shocked at the size of the house and how modern it was. Donald hummed in response as something new caught Leo's eye.

"what the heck is that?" Leo asked pointing towards one of Davenports inventions.

"that is my latest creation. Davenport's Industries' first completely interactive 3D TV" he grabbed the remote firing it up playing once the crowd cheered.

Leo followed the ball trying to catch it before crashing into a wall enabling something on a screen, "watch the face termite!"

"mom, I think the little voice inside my head is back." looking at his mom with soft eyes stuffing his hands into his pocket

Donald smiled explaining, "No, this is Eddy. He's my smart home system. Eddy, this is my new stepson, Leo. Remember I told you Leo and Tasha are moving in today?"

"Hey, Welcome. Everything here is mine." Eddy said in a smug voice.

Donald told Leo go find his room explaining where to go and where not to go, "This place is huge! I'm gonna need a GPS just to find the bathroom." leaning on the wall A secret door revealed an elevator as it was beeping, Stepping into the elevator doors closing behind him suddenly dropping into the abyss and screams escaping from Leo. The elevator dinged as it reached the bottom, peeking his head out at what's around him finally exiting the elevator.

"woah! my new dad is batman!" another door opened scaring Leo as he went to hide behind some yellow barrels, A small skinny boy quickly ran through the door closing it behind him on some keypad.

"Good luck gettin in! That steel door is thicker than your head!" he said to whoever was on the other side, a loud clank echoed through the lab making the scrawny kid back off, the door fell to the floor revealing a tall, muscly boy.

"well there's another way to get in."

the tall boy, strutted towards the smaller boy grasping him "give me back my epod!" lifting him up in the air as the scrawny boy was struggling to set free, "I don't have it!"

A girl walked through with headphones in her ear, "Hey." she said taking an earphone out of her ear, the taller boy gasped pointing towards the girl still holding onto the other. "You took my epod!"throwing the skinnier one to the floor.

"Taylor Swift Mega Mix... Really?" she said sarcastically holding both earphones in her hands.

"I find her soothing"

The girl walked away as he shot lasers towards her missing her just over her shoulder.
"oh, I know you didn't shoot that laser at me."

"oh, sorry. It was a terrible mistake, just like your face."

the girl screams super speeding towards him pushing him into the barrels Leo was hiding behind, all three of them looked at Leo Screaming, Leo then joined in the screaming. Running away squealing calling for his mom.

Tasha came down with Donald following behind, Leo ran towards his mom hugging her as they were both just as curious as other. Tasha looked around at the place questioning Donald on where they were, Donald explained that they're a project he's been working on known as "genetically engineered superhuman siblings."

"Tasha, meet Adam, Bree and Chase. The greatest combination of biology and technology ever developed."

Tasha looked at Leo confused before looking back at them, "So they're robots?"



"Oh, No, She Didn't!"

The three siblings exclaimed all at once, Tasha and Leo both having a blank expression on their face, "No, Tasha they're human. I have just given each of them a unique set of bionic abilities. that's is controlled by a microchip implanted in their neck." Donald's explanation not amusing Leo and Tasha as he continues to explain, "See Adam is all brute strength, Bree has speed and agility, and Chase has super senses and a superior intelligence."

After Donald explained the siblings and how everything works, they all went upstairs except for Adam, Bree, Chase.

Leo got to know the siblings little by little the next morning and their abilities as Donald was showing them to Leo

"Okay, Chase enemy grenade three o' clock."

chase formed a bubble around him blocking the grenade that was coming towards him.

"Hey! why does he get a force field and I don't?" Adam questioned.

" 'Cause if you had one, I wouldn't be able to do this." Bree threw a bottle at Adam hitting him in the chest him wincing at the damage.

Donald told the siblings to take the day off for their training.

"well I better get ready for school." getting up off his chair,

"Ooh!" Bree ran in front of Leo excited "I have always dreamed about going to school. passing to notes, going to prom,breaking into choreographed dance numbers after maths class." doing a little jazz hand expression flashing a smile.

Chase agreed walking up towards Bree, "Yeah. All we do is eat, sleep and train for missions. we're like human lab rats."

"come on, it can't be that bad."

Looking to the left seeing Adam running on a hamster wheel waving towards them. Leo looked back towards Bree and Chase.

"So you've never left this room? That explained the haircuts" gesturing towards Chase. Adam joined the conversation after running on his hamster wheel.
"I bet schools fun. You know, except for books, classes and learning stuff."

"it's not fun when you're the smart kid." Leo explained

"well, down here, smart is considered superior"

Bree looked at Adam, looking back at Chase,
"No it's not." Adam and Bree said in unison. Chase gave them both an unamused look as Leo explained they should be like his bionic bodyguards at school. But Eddy stopped them by closing the doors, they shut Eddy down as Adam just grabbed a bunch of wires.

"Okay, come on. If we're gonna go to school, we  should shower first because two of us really stink." gesturing towards her brothers as they both smell their armpits.

All three of them hopped in their capsules showering and getting changed, Finally ready for school.

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