Regret, hesitation, hope, conflict.

       "Have you thought about what book you wanted to pick?" You break the silence.

       He silently gestures to the book in his hands. Another wall.

       "Ah I see. Good thing one of us has something planned, it's been a while since I've read for fun so I don't really have a pitch."

       Saiki nods again. He's ignoring you on purpose but why? You could feel this didn't exactly thrill him. You change the subject to something a little more personal.

       "Hey, Saiki. I just wanna say real quick that I really appreciate you covering the bill on Monday. And bringing me my cake." You say. He looks up from his book and meets your gaze for the first time today.

       "It's no problem. The first day at a new school can be difficult." He states matter of factly with a hint of empathy melting through his demeanor. Relief.

       "You're right... That just makes the nice moments even sweeter though, right?" You grin.

       "Hm. Yeah, I guess you're right." He says, eyes dipping down back to his book. His lips curved ever so slightly. You couldn't help but smile a little brighter.

       Okay Y/n, tell him what you really want to say. Invite him to go to the coffee shop after school. He already knows the big secret, we need to talk about it.

       Your eyes looked up at him once more; he managed to look even more enveloped in his book. Dramatically so...

       He's busy. I don't want to push it.

       Satisfied with the state of conversation, you stand up to go find another copy of the book he had. As you pushed in your chair your eyes narrow to the author and title of the book.  As you wandered the aisles of shelves, a conversation nearby piques your interest. Teruhashi and Aiura's table was nearby. You weren't purposely eaves dropping but the library is quite the quiet place.

     "Ahh, it's so hard to focus when you're hungry." Teruhashi sighs.

       "Oh, did you forget breakfast this morning?" Mikoto inquires leaning on the table, happy to talk about anything but the project.

       "My brother had an interview at the house today and I wanted to avoid the camera crew. I figured one of our classmates would have a snack on hand~" she says sweetly. An interview? Maybe he has an important job. You wished you had some food to give her. She seemed like an angel.

       "That's a bummer! Ya know if you're feeling crazy we could make a quick run off campus and get some eats." She pitches devilishly, knowing Teruhashi wouldn't get into shenanigans like that.

       "What! We can't do that~ Besides are there any places that close?" Teruhashi laughed but entertained her idea.

       "Well there's some convenience stores of course but there's also that little coffee shop around the corner."

       "What kind of food do they have there?" She asks with a warm smile. Aiura happily obliged.

       "Well they have coffee jelly, Saiki's favorite of course- but they also have this really good milk cake, pastries, breads, you know all the normal stuff but super good! Me, Saiki and Y/nie went there on Monday and it was empty. I bet we'd be in and out if we went soon." She winked and nudged. Teruhashi laughed it off nervously.

       "You know we can't leave campus during class.. You said you went with L/n and Saiki?" She asks as her expression goes from smiles to curiosity and interest. Any level of you pretending to not listen was gone now.

       Oh god they're talking about us... Please don't tell her I bailed on you guys!

       "Yeah, we figured it'd be nice to show her some of the local eats."  She says. This line of conversation seemed to pique Teruhashi's interests just as much as yours, which you found odd.

       "That sounds like so much fun! Did you give them both the same pitch?" She inquired nonchalantly as she flips through her book. Was she trying to figure out who suggested the hangout?

       "No, it was actually Saiki's idea. But boy did he make me a believer. I live by that place's coffee now." She continues raving. You decide it was a good idea to get out of there before someone noticed. You pick up a few random books from the fiction section as well as the book Saiki got and scurried back to your table. As you thumb through your picks you were disappointed. You skimmed the back of each your mind played a loop.

       Boring. Lame. Lame. Super lame. Listening to their conversation about snacks and coffee was way more interesting somehow.

       Just as things were getting monotonous, you feel Saiki emitting deep apprehension. This was sudden, he seemed more concerned with our interactions more than anything earlier. What's brought on this change? You look up at him with furrowed eyebrows, questioning whether it was appropriate for you to ask if he was okay.

       No Y/n. Dammit, Saiki if you weren't so good at hiding your emotions it'd be less weird.

       Suddenly, Teruhashi and Aiura begin packing up their stuff and heading this way, books in hand. Maybe this will cheer him up? You look over at him with a slight smile expecting good news.

       Dread. Did someone die!?

       You slowly turn back around. At least he's not hiding it anymore?...

       "Hey, do you guys mind if we sit with you? The table next to us was getting a little roudy." Teruhashi asks politely. You and Saiki's eyes drift behind them and you see Nendo with erasers stuck up his nose, doing an impression of some kind.

       c"Oh wow..." Dully escapes your mouth. You continue.

       "Of cour- I mean. I don't mind but only if it's okay with Saiki.." You say, slightly worried to meet his gaze. You weren't sure what was worse, him bottling up his feelings or that dark look of despair on his face.

       He reluctantly nods yes.

       "Yayy~ group projects!" Mikoto cheers. Saiki looks at Mikoto. She bows apologetically, like an excited puppy who got scolded. She repeating it in a hushed, still elated voice.

      "Yay group projects..!"

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