Chapter four

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(Alanas pov)

I wake up on a hard mattress in a cold cell. All the lights are off except the little one hanging from the cracked ceiling that is attached to the cell bars. It's cold and gross in here, Blood stains line the floor and a small tray of food is placed by the cell door. As I sit up and rub my eyes, I realize that Natasha is sitting across from me behind a glass wall. As soon as she notices I'm awake, a small wave of relief spreads over her face that is quickly replaced by her usual emotionless attire. She pushes a button opening the door to enter the room and it shuts aggressively fast, which I'm assuming is for safety, and saunters over to me. She switches on the master light switch and the room lights up. Not wanting to deal with her, I Roll my eyes, turn over on the mattress and pull up the thin blanket, turning my body away from her. I hear her sign and sit down on a chair right outside the cell.

"Can I help you?" I say in a snarky tone.

"Actually," she scoffs, "you need my help. You're on the run, you have no money, and the government is after you."

I turn over towards her, "I don't need shit from you, I know how to take care of myself."

"Okay, then what are these?" She holds up a bottle of Xanax, waving it in my face.

"What the fuck! You have to right to go through my shit!" I yell, getting more aggressive.

She begins, "you are unhealthy, you are way too thin, the bags under your eyes are huge, and you need help," she begs, "baby, please, let me help you. You are still so young." she's tearing up, begging me to listen. She looks undecided and confused.

My face scrunches up at the pet name, I haven't heard that one in a long time, not since she was my mom. My father used to call me honey, but not in a nice way but a bit more of a sarcastic way. He wanted to get under my skin and make me vulnerable. I was too smart for his games after a while though.

I quickly decipher my options. Agree with her, or refuse.

"I want to talk to my father," I say, "I am not cooperating until I can."

He's the last person I want to talk to right now, but maybe he can get me out of this shit. I don't want to talk to Natasha and usually, I would be able to escape but I know the security here is top-notch because of Tony.

She sighs, "that's not a good idea. That will put all of us in danger."

I lay back down, "fine. Then I won't cooperate."

With a confused look, she groans. Natasha gets up from the chair and walks away to the other side of the room. I turn over, facing the cracked wall. I wonder how many people have been locked in here, How many people have been miserable in This hell hole.
My body may look calm, but I'm slightly panicked on the inside. Yes, I'm the red room we were taught to not accept intimidation but I physically cannot control my fear. I will never admit it, but I'm terrified of Natasha. She was trained the same way and I'm worried she knows my strategy.

Taken out of my thoughts, a number is dialed on a phone, which I assume is hers.

"Don't say anything that will get us killed," She warns.

I gulp, pressing the call button. Soon enough, the phone is picked up.

"Ahh, Natasha." My father says, "No papa, it's me, Alana." I say.

(Natasha's pov)

They have been talking for about two minutes now, using code words and scrambled Russian. I'm concerned for my daughter if I can even call her that anymore. Drekov is very dangerous and won't stop until he gets what he wants, no matter how many people he kills. But Alana knows that. Alana is smart enough to know what not to say to her father. Sadly, she had to learn that the hard way.

"He wants to talk to you," Alana said sounding annoyed handing me my phone.

I put the phone up to my ear taking a deep breath. Here it goes.

"Hello, Natasha. Nice to talk to you." I heard through the phone. He was just spewing bullshit now, I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"Hello, Drekov. What would you like to speak about?" I said, trying to sound peppy.

He sighed through the phone.

"I want to talk about Alana" I walked out of the room into the hallway.

"What about her," I sighed,

"I'm going to make a deal with you. I am willing to leave you two alone on one condition" he said.

"Yes?" I said concerningly.

"She will still train with me, I want my daughter to be safe and able to protect herself." He said.

I scoffed. Anger brewing in my throat.

"If you wanted her to be protected you wouldn't have abused her! You wouldn't have put her through your stupid fucking system where she spent her entire childhood!" I yelled into the phone.

I heard a glass shatter through the phone.

"God dammit Natasha!" He screeched, "you know what, fine. Keep the brat, I'll leave you alone but you better stay out of my way", he growled, the anger very present in his voice, "Don't come crying to me when she won't listen to you!" He slammed the phone down, hanging up the call. I rubbed my forehead, walking back into the cell room. This was going to be one long journey.


Hey everyone! I hope you all like the story so far! What do you think will happen with Alana and Nat??
Leave suggestions in the comments!! What would you like to see happen??

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