"Holy, that bag. Let me see!" Yelled Maddy, running at me with her hands grabbing for my new accessory. I laughed and handed it to her as the rest of the mostly women M&G staff huddled around to see the bag.

"Woah, they only made like 300 of these babies. Lucky bitch!" Continued Maddy. I smiled and shook my head as she handed it back to me.

The day went by brutally slow so when I finally hit save on the last copy edited press release for People Magazine, I switched off my computer and packed up my things. Before leaving, I wanted to stop in and check with Marc about the trip tomorrow. I poked my head in and he waved me inside.

"Nice bag," he said narrowing his eyes but followed it with a laugh. "What can I do for you, Rowan?"

"Just double checking about tomorrow."

"Oh, didn't you get the email from earlier? The trip is cancelled. We couldn't get enough writers on it with the American Music Awards this week."

My heart dropped. I felt my cheeks getting hot. Cancelled? This wasn't happening right now.

"Relax. I am kidding. Flight leaves at 6AM so have your bodyguard man friend drop you off here at 5AM and get that look off your face. You would think I ran over your puppy."

I glared at my boss and pursed my lips. "Not. Funny."

He laughed which caused me to laugh too. "Go home and get some rest, dear. Tomorrow will be a long day for us and learn to take a joke."

I narrowed my eyes at him and smirked before laughing again and saying good night. I was greeted by Marsh and jumped in the back of the SUV. I was home before I knew it, quickly filled Marsh in about the details for tomorrow and waved goodbye. I pushed back the door and was greeted by Laurie and Alec in full on make out session.

"Shit, sorry, hey Laurie."

I shook my head and laughed. "Hey guys. Please, don't stop on my behalf. I have to go pack."

"Oh yea! Ireland tomorrow! How excited are you to see your man?? How long are you going for again?"

"Just until Friday. My flight gets back to the states really late Friday night."

"How long does it take to get there from here?"

"Marc said about 6 hours so not too bad. I'm getting used to flying."

"Interesting. Well, just let me know when you land and stuff." She brought her attention back to a cooking Alec.

"Is it weird to date someone like that guy?" The question was directed at me from Alec. I was a bit caught off guard but regained my composure. He was really tall and he had shaggy brown hair with tattoos and piercings up and down his arms. He was a perfect fit and complimented Laurie well. He wiped his hands on a dish towel as he looked at me.

"Um, sometimes. The cameras are weird but I don't even notice them anymore."

"Yea, Laurie told me you two had some crazy times getting away from them. You don't ever worry about all those girls who love him? They can be kinda...abrasive."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, those are his fans and I would never try to take him from them. They are just passionate about him and the band. I can't let that worry me, ya know? If I worried about every single girl that loved Harry, I would be gray by 24."

He nodded his head and brought his attention back to whatever he was cooking. I left them alone and went into my bedroom to start packing. I turned my iTunes on shuffle again as I pulled down my suitcase.  I was always an over packer as I threw in shoe after jacket after jeans. Was it cold in Ireland? I decided to pack for the elements as I filled my suitcase. In between stuffing it and rearranging it, I heard my phone start buzzing from inside my bag. I quickly pulled it out and answered.

"Harry, I was just thinking about you. Well...I guess I always am."

I heard him laugh before he started talking. "That's good, love because I think about you all the time. How was your day? I see you like your bag."

"Harry, that was so thoughtful. You didn't have to do that."

"Of course I did. You deserve the world but I'll start with that and work my way up."

I bit my lip as my stomach clenched.

"So, are you all packed?"

"Yes. Just about. I won't be able to sleep tonight."

"Me either. Love, I have to go but I will see you tomorrow. I cannot wait. I love you."

"I love you."

I heard him intake his breath as I said the words back this time. "Finally."

I laughed when he said that and we both said goodbye.

I wandered back into the now empty kitchen and was greeted by a plate of what looked like homemade stir fry. I grabbed the plate and a fork and took a quick bite before wrapping it up and putting in the fridge. I knew I had to go running because of all the adrenaline rushing through my body from excitement. I quickly changed and grabbed my running shoes. I took my normal route around the city as the sun was slowly setting around me.

I finished my run and pushed back the front door. I was breathing heavy as I kicked off my shoes and turned on the shower. The water felt good against my hot skin. My mind wandered to Harry and I couldn't help fantasizing the things we would do if he was here right now. I let my hands wander down my body and I slipped them between my thighs. I closed my eyes as I pictured Harry's wet naked body with me in the shower. I gripped the side of the shower as I touched and pushed harder against myself. I let my mind wander to his eyes...his lips...his neck...his stomach...his hips...

I bit my lip as the visions were like my own private dirty movie with Harry as the star. I continued my touching as I felt the pressure build in my stomach. I squeezed my eyes tighter as I pictured Harry on top of me...his face between my legs...biting me...rubbing me...making me feel the way he did.

I held onto the shower railing as I let myself go and release with the help of my erotic memories. I was panting as I came back down to Earth. The water was still running over me. I starting laughing from feeling lightheaded. I switched off the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I quickly went into my bedroom and smiled again as I leaned against my closed door. I was so hopeless for Harry and it felt perfect.

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