"Yes, um, can I borrow your phone?"

He nodded and disappeared inside and seconds later reappeared with a phone but it didn't look like the one I was used to seeing. He read my look of confusion. "Satellite phone, Ms. Emerson. It'll work here. Mr. Styles' number is already there. Just hit the green button," he said and went back inside, leaving the door open ajar. I looked down, did as I was told, and brought the phone to my ear. I walked back towards the trail for a little privacy.

"Marsh, is everything alright? Is she ok?"

My heart swelled hearing his voice. I wanted him here with me terribly but I knew it wasn't possible right now.

"I-its me. Rowan..." I said as my voice cracked and I held my breath waiting for an answer. The few seconds it took for him to answer felt like a lifetime.



"Uh...h-how are you?"

"I'm...I'm ok. How are you?"

"I'm ok...lo-Rowan."

"It's ok...you can call me that...if you want to..."

I heard him exhale loudly and chuckle a little on the other end. A smile broke across my face as I heard his laugh.

"Listen, Harry...I...I've been thinking about everything and...I am really sorry for continuing to jump to conclusions and run away...I really do love you, I'm just...I guess I'm scared, I've never been in actual love before. This-this is all new...my life was quiet before I met you...and now, well not it's not."

"Rowan, love, listen to me. I would never do anything to ever hurt you. I cannot ever blame you for the things you think or the things you do. My life is not a normal life and I understand it can be overwhelming. I am sorry for everything too, love and I should have called over the weekend to talk to you, but by the time I realized how insane the press made the story sound, your phone was already off. So, I jumped to come find you..."

His voice broke off and I heard him sniff back tears. I wished I was there to wipe his tears. I felt the warm tears fall on my face too.

"Ok. I promise to work on myself and try to figure this out. I'm sorry."

"Love, we will figure this out together. Listen, I have to get on the flight now but please turn your phone on and I will call you when I land."

"Uh...I kind of broke it..." My face flushed, remembering my actions.

"Broke it?"

"Um...I was really, really mad so I kind of-"

"Oh, love. Ok. Listen, Marsh will get you a new one and please call when you have it. I love you."

"Love you."

The phone call ended and I walked back towards Laurie as Marsh rejoined us. "All better, Row?"

I nodded and handed back the phone to Marsh. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. I will walk you ladies back up."

The three of us walked back to the giant house, said good night to Marsh, and locked the door behind us.

"Ok, now can we get some sleep?"

I nodded again as we made our way upstairs. "Thanks again, Laur. I really do appreciate all this."

"Of course. Come get me when you wake up, ok?"


I opened the bedroom door and exhaustion took over me as I laid back down.

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