"Um, I can be?"

"Good. I am going to call you so we can see each other."

He ended the call and my stomach sunk. I realized I had no makeup on and my hair was up. I knew Harry didn't care but considering he was surrounded by temptation every single second, I quickly pulled down my hair and ran my fingers through it. I ran into my bedroom and changed into a tank top and did my best to not look too tired. I switched on my MacBook and saw the little phone ringing in the corner and as I answered, his beautiful face came into view. Of course, he had no shirt on and his hair was pulled back reveling every inch of his immaculate face. I looked down at what he saw on his end and shuttered at my makeup free face. I swear there was some kind of feature on these cameras that make people look terrible. Not Harry though; he was immune to looking anything but perfect.

"Hello, love. You look beautiful."

I blushed, realizing how silly I was thinking he would care how I looked because he did truly love me.

"Thank you and right back at you. How was the show?"

"It was incredible. It felt different with only four of us but still magical. The fans are our heroes."

"They really are so lucky that you four love them as much as you do," I said, smiling.

"Yes...I know..."

"How's the hotel? I wish I was there."

"It's just as big as the others and yes, I wish you were here too but soon enough, darling."

"Speaking of soon enough...Marc and George are interviewing you guys next month in Ireland..."

I waited and watched his face. He didn't seem surprised at the news.

"Yes, I know. Would you be able to come? I wasn't sure, so I didn't tell you to get our hopes up."

"Oh...I am not sure...I can ask?"

"Yea??" His face lit up and his face broke into a blinding smile.

"I mean, I don't see why not. I can ask tomorrow."

"That would be incredible. Please do. Tell him I will even pay for your ticket."

"Harry, stop. I will ask."

"Good. Love, I hate to do this but I am so very tired and we have more press tomorrow. We shall talk tomorrow, I love you."

"Ok. Love you too."

Harry's face disappeared and I sat staring at myself looking back on the screen. I had already planned on asking Marc if I could go and now with Harry's reaction, I was even more into the idea of going. I had never been to Ireland and getting to see the new country and Harry was enough to send my excitement into overdrive.

I settled into bed with my books but couldn't concentrate. My mind kept wandering back to the past few days. Flying to Pittsburg, saying yes to Harry, the possibility of getting an actual journalism job, and now maybe even going to see Harry sooner than I thought was a bit overwhelming. My conscious mind was also poking at me with wondering when things would turn. Harry and I had a rough first couple months and I wanted to think that was behind us, but what if it wasn't? I didn't want to think of all the terrible things that could happen but I couldn't help it. I was used to thinking the worst of all situations to prepare myself but I didn't want to think about losing Harry. It was too much to bear. The devil on my shoulder was also poking me telling me that it was odd Harry didn't tell me about the interview and how everything was a little too perfect. He also was telling me that maybe Harry was hiding something. I shuffled out from my covers and got a glass of water. I was 100% making myself insane. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Calm down, Row. Everything will be fine," I told myself.

But was it?

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