Beomgyu lifted his head and smiled cutely at her which caused Ryujin to giggle and roll her eyes playfully at him since his mood changed so quickly just from what she said.

These actions didn't go unnoticed by Y/N as she put her jacket on and stood beside Minjeong who also saw everything. Minjeong reached for Y/N's hand which caused Y/N to look at her.

"It's okay, you'll win her heart soon enough." Minjeong winked at her as Y/N smiled softly back at her and nodded.

"How about we go out in three days? I get off work pretty early so we can get something to eat and then take a stroll out to the park and eat ice cream." Beomgyu asked Ryujin as she just stood there thinking really hard.

Was he asking her on a date? Even so, is she free that day?

"So what do you say about going out on a date with me?" Beomgyu asked again as he waited for a reply from Ryujin.

Well that certainly answered her question. This really was a date and he was asking her out in front of Y/N and Minjeong. However, the two girls were trying to act like they weren't paying attention when they were actually eavesdropping.

Y/N's face turned into a blank stare as she awaited Ryujin's answer just like Beomgyu. Minjeong tried to get Y/N's mind off of it and told her a joke which made Y/N crack a smile which eventually turned into a chuckle.

Ryujin turned her head towards the two when she heard Y/N's chuckle and if she was reluctant at first on accepting the date, she definitely was sure now.

"I would love to go."

Beomgyu smiled brightly at that and replied with a "great" back at Ryujin which caused the two to smile softly at each other.

However Ryujin could not explain how she felt at that moment. She should feel ecstatic and at peace because she got asked on a date by a very handsome and nice guy, but instead she felt as though the hole in her heart still felt empty. She used to think once she was asked out on a date by someone she liked or loved, that the hole would be filled with love or just fondness for the other person. But that wasn't the case for now, which made her regret her decision.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

But it was too late to back out now so she thought she would give him a chance. She might have been wrong about the hole in her heart, because who knows how they feel about each other before the date. Well those who have known each other long before their date, but that wasn't the case for these two.

So instead of backing out of the date, she looked over at the other two girls. From Ryujin's point of view, it seemed like the two liked each other more than friends should. That was when she though of an idea.

"Hey Y/N-ie and Minjeong! Would you two like to join us for a double date?"

"Wait what?" Both Beomgyu and Y/N said out loud. The two looked at each other and since Beomgyu was standing a little behind Ryujin, he couldn't be seen by her so he shook his head slightly at Y/N as a sign for her to decline the offer from Ryujin. Y/N understood immediately and was ready to decline Ryujin.

"Actually we're not-"

"We would love to!" Minjeong said out loud and interrupting Y/N.

"Wait what?" Y/N was ready to say no and tell Ryujin that her and Minjeong aren't a thing but Minjeong was quick to interrupt and accept the double date offer.

"So when will it be and where?" Minjeong asked and turned towards Ryujin and Beomgyu as they planned everything. While Ryujin was explaining what day it would be, and they tried to make it fit with each of their schedules, Beomgyu turned to Y/N and pouted while she just looked apologetically at him. He just brushed it off and mouthed back "it's okay" to which she nodded.

Eventually they all figured out the day, time and place for their double date. They all walked out of the Big Hit company building, where Ryujin went with Beomgyu and Minjeong went with Y/N. Beomgyu would be driving Ryujin home and Y/N would take Minjeong out for tteokbokki, as she promised over the phone when she invited her. Each pair said goodbye to each other, and instead of taking the car to get tteokbokki, Y/N and Minjeong walked since Y/N knew a place nearby.

There was an awkward silence between the two as Y/N was in deep thought while Minjeong kept looking between Y/N and the sidewalk in front of her.


"Why did you accept to go on the double date?"

"Took you long enough to ask," Minjeong joked as Y/N rolled her eyes in reply. "But it's pretty obvious why I did it."

Y/N looked at Minjeong in confusion as she tried to figure it out but she came out blank.

"You're an oblivious idiot, you know that right?"

"Hey, no I'm not!" Y/N protested and smacked Minjeong's shoulder.

"I obviously did it so we can make Ryujin jealous. It's so obvious you two like each other, but you're both dense as fuck."

"You couldn't be more wrong," Y/N laughed at Minjeong as she just looked at Y/N seriously to point out how right she is. Y/N only sighed in return.

"Look, Ryujin was very jealous back in the studio and this double date will only make her more jealous. She already thinks we like each other, so why not pretend we do so we can make her jealous and eventually she'll confess her feelings for you and boom you're married."

Y/N looked at the girl in disbelief as she just shrugged her shoulders in return seeing nothing wrong with what she said.

"How did you go from a double date with different partners to getting married."

"It's the circle of life."

"No the fuck it's not, what the hell."

"Ugh whatever Y/N, just trust me on this. She will eventually confess to you and date you instead of Beomgyu. I will help you make her jealous and pretend we're a couple."

"It's just too much and I feel like I will be playing with her feelings." Y/N said as she kicked a stone on the sidewalk and sighed out loud while looking down.

"You won't and if it ever gets too far and complicated, you will just confess your feelings or say that it was all fake."

"That's horrible advice."

"Do I look like cupid to you? I'm trying my best here." Minjeong rolled her eyes but when she suddenly saw the little shop that sells tteokbokki, her eyes brightened up.

"Ugh fine, but I won't tell her it was all fake but instead that we broke up."

"No that's worse because then we would seem like ex girlfriends later on and that's not good for either of us."

"You're right, we'll just see what happens."

"Exactly, now come on! The shop is right there."



Happy New Year! I hope you all had an amazing year of 2022 and will have another amazing year in 2023! 🥳

I'm sorry for the super late update and misspellings/errors in this chapter, but I hope you still enjoyed it!

- M

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