He looked at me with pure confusion on his face. His face twisted into anger as he jammed his hands into his pockets.

"You don't need a job when you're with me...I could get you any job you wanted, Rowan. You don't need this job."

"Excuse me? Harry, this isn't about what you could do for me because of who you are...this is about me making a name for myself as a self-sufficient journalist...not using you as my connection to get something I may or may not deserve."

He looked at me again with his now dark green eyes. I wasn't used to his eyes being like this. I took another step back.

"Look," I continued, "I love that you want those things with me and I want those things too and I appreciate you wanting to get me a job...but this is about me succeeding on my own..."

 He wasn't looking at me now.

"Can you say something?"

He met my eyes and said the only thing that would crumble my world to pieces.

"I don't how this is going to work..."  

My emotions instantly changed to happy to sad to anger.

"What! Because I won't go on your tour with you? Because I want to make it as Rowan Emerson and not as Harry Styles' girlfriend??  How dare you think I would just succumb to what you want?? Do you know how incredibly selfish you sounded telling me those things? Who are you right now? The Harry I know wouldn't ask me to just go and leave all my hard work behind...and now you're threatening me with ending things??"

I stormed away from Harry and walked around the house to the front yard. I slammed the perimeter fence door and sat down on the front steps. Who did he think he was? Thinking I would just leave and go with him? Yes, I wanted to go with him but my job and my work came first because this is what I wanted since I was a freshman at NYU. Yes, I loved him with every fiber of my being but I had to look out for myself too. I was angrier that he thought he could just use his name to get me a job. Sure it would be easier but I don't take the easy road. Who knew if Harry and I would actually last and I had nothing to fall back on but a job that he got me?  I would look like an idiot. He was so selfish to just expect I would come with him.

I almost jumped when I heard the fence door slam open and Harry headed in the direction of his car. My breathing quickened and I instantly stood up. I wanted to yell after him but he was already inside his car as it roared to life. I ran to the passenger side and went to reach for the handle but he quickly stepped on the gas pedal and sped off.

I was left standing in my parents' driveway now really looking like an idiot.

"So, are you two staying? Its late, you guys should stay instead of driving all the way back," my mom asked me. We were in the kitchen putting away the leftovers and cleaning up the dishes.

"Uh, is that ok if Harry stays?" I honestly hadn't even thought of staying and didn't realize just how late it had gotten.

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