Chapter 22: Home

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"Sarah?" Evie says to get the woman's attention.


"Have you... Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a child? I know you have Clara, but she is not exactly the typical child, sort of. Do you know what I am trying to say? To have a child you can teach, play with, to show how to survive in this world we live in? Someone that fills a certain part of you that you thought you never had," Evie asks.

"Evie, do you want to adopt Jenifer?" Sarah asks with a smile as she takes her arm in her own. In a way, many women do when walking around with friends and family. Evie takes a deep breath. Yes, she does. That girl wormed in her heart in a way she only experienced with Sarah. Jenifer has such an outlook on life that seems to bring the sun when she wants. How could anyone not love such a girl?

"Yes, I would really love that actually. Do you... object?" Sarah laughs as she shakes her head in response. Her arm squeezed that of Evie while sending a loving gaze at the woman. A gaze that Evie only saw when she looks at her. Eye shining bright, lips forming a smile that went from ear to ear. A look that Sarah only has for Evie.

"Of course not! Will she become a Scott or a Frye, though?" Sarah mused with twinkling eyes.

"Scott. I want to have your name as well, Sarah. To let myself fully turn the page. A start of a new chapter for myself and you. For us both."

"Sounds wonderful... then it is settled."

As Abberline worked with efficiency, he soon got all four people of the inner circle and the head of the said circle. Sarah met with the staff and with a piercing gaze, and practically interrogated them to fish out any potential 'villains'. After all is set and done, Sarah and Evie met again with Jenifer.

"Thank you, Misses! We are eternally thankful," Jenifer said as she stood in the large common room. It was slowly becoming more lively, but you can easily see that the children need some time to fully realise it. Although, children will soon be children again as they feel the new effects.

"That's nice to hear, Jenifer. Well then, it is time to go then," Sarah says to Evie and Jenifer. The girl nods with a smile. "Do come again!" She says.

"Hmm? Of course, you can visit your friends anytime you want, but you should first make yourself comfortable at home," Sarah says contemplatively with a playful look directed at the girl.

"I know...? I live here..." the girl says with a confused frown. Evie crouched down taking hold of the girl's hands. "I think what Sarah fails to explain... We would love it if you'd come to live with us. To become part of our family. What do you think?"

Jenifer blinks at Evie and then at Sarah. Slowly some tears start to leave the girl. Probably unbeknownst to Jenifer as she only switches her dumbfounded gaze between both women. Sarah smile as she wipes each tear away.

"Y-you m-mean it?" The girl whispered in disbelief.

"Mhm, Jenifer Scott has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" Sarah says as she crouched down to open her arms for the girl. Evie does the same as both women stand ready to receive their hug. Hardly any more motivation has to be given as Jenifer practically jumps at the women. Her small arms barely managed to engulf both of them, trying her best to give them both a warm and loving hug.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Jenifer practically cries on their shoulder. "It is our pleasure, Jenifer. Shall we go home?" The girl nods while her tears flow freely.

The carriage came to a stop in front of the Kenway mansion and Jenifer looked with bulging eyes at the large and impressive mansion. An expression of utter disbelief at today's event was carved across the girl's face. Sarah and Evie smiled as they held each other's hands. Both were having the same feeling of completion.

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