"I know but why now? Why after all this time, he try to contact me now? Why couldn't he have called me the next day and just said sorry?"

"Because you two are like the same damn person. Stubborn as hell. I guess he just broke down before you did."

"But Laurie, that stuff I read in the magazine about him and his new girlfriend?"

"Seriously, Row? You're a writer, you know people make up shit all the time to get people to buy it. You can't jump to conclusions about him and some random model. People who invented Photoshop make a ton of money on that shit. Call. Him."

She was right. I had to talk to him. I quickly hit redial on one of the many missed calls in my log and waited. My stomach was in knots again and was also now doing somersaults. It only rang once before I heard his familiar voice on the other end.


My name never sounded more captivating then it did when he said it. My legs felt like jello as I tried to gather my thoughts.

"Are you there?" he asked.

"Y-yes. I'm here."

"How are you doing? Did you get the flowers?"

"Uh, y-yes, thank you. They are lovely."



We both spoke at once.

"Go on," I said to him.

"Look, Rowan, love, I am so tremendously sorry for earlier today and for that night...I didn't know what I was thinking saying those terrible things to you...I really hope you can forgive me..."

I took a deep breath. Laurie staring at me.

"Harry, I-I can't make the decision right now to forgive you fully but...we can start slow...not start over because I can't forget the things that happened but we can go slow. I am sorry too."

I waited, holding my breath.

"Really? You're sure you are ok with that? We can go as slow or as fast as you want."

"Yes. I am sure."

"Rowan, you have made me so incredibly happy. If I wasn't stuck in LA right now I would catch the Red Eye and come see you tonight."

"Wait, you were just here this morning, how did you get over there so fast??"

"Planes, love, they fly in the sky?"

I laughed and Laurie's face broke into a smile.

"I've missed your laugh. I promise as soon as I can, I will be back to New York but that probably won't be until the concert because the tour has already started. Will you be there?"

"Uh I should be able to make it to the concert, yes."

"SHE'LL BE THERE!" Laurie yelled into the phone, grabbing my arm to pull the receiver closer to her.

"Good. Listen, love I have got to go but I cannot wait to see you."

"Me too."

I hit the end call button and looked up at Laurie.

"Dude, I cannot believe I am going to a damn One Direction concert. I am bringing ear plugs."

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