witches and no stitches

87 3 10

Plenty of books, nicknacks, weird items, and tons of random stuff from the human realm, yup this is the owl house, but how the hell did i end up here better yet when did I get here all I remember is. . . Is. . . I don't know but something about my stuff and needing to get it.

"Hey uhhhh. . .*I start snapping my fingers trying to remember her name* miss" 

"The names Eda, Eda the owl lady now spill it kid what's your name" I start to ponder trying to recall what my name was but nothing came to mind. 

"I don't know. . . I can't remember, all I can remember is that I have to get my stuff from the human realm before it gets burned by someone" I look at Eda and she has a look of sorrow and sympathy 

"First and foremost how's the arm and how does your chest feel?" She asks bluntly, I take a deep breath and feel a sharp pain in my chest for a second and it slowly fades, probably by the look on my face Eda could tell my chest was hurting. I try moving my arm to great success as I can move it normally aside from some stiffness. 

"Looks like you're mostly fine but I'm going to take any chances we're paying another visit to the old hag from the healing coven, king you're staying here and hooty the usual, kid you good enough to walk?" Why is she worried about me so much? Was I someone important to her or was this just a random act of kindness. Eda motions for me to follow her and I do without thinking about it as if it were normal, as we exit the house I see a large forest  of pine? Eda summons a staff with an owl adorning the top and it spreads it's wings and Eda sits on the staff and looks at me.

"You got to sit on it to, I'm going to fly you to bones burrow plaza there's a old lady there who's good at healing magic, she will help you fix your ribs, now get on" I sit on the staff and hold on to Eda as we take off into the sky, panic sets in, my breathing gets rapid and a sentence starts to repeat in my head.

'calm down and breath, in through your nose and out your mouth, repeat till your calm' I repeated this and the actions but it didn't work, soon we were over bones burrow and I was against looking down but I did anyway, a large grotesque town with many houses made out of bones, corpses, intestine of unknown origin, but also regular houses made from wood and stone. A light teal, slime green color snagged my attention and before I knew it I was falling. I see a girl with long green hair that fell around her hips with thick brown tips and brown roots forcing their way out, pointed ears with a couple of black and silver earrings, black eyeliner making her warm hazelnut eyes seem more narrow and unfeeling, her lips garnered with black lipstick, she wore a spiked choker along with a black leather jacket that fell just above her waist along with a dark purple top showing off her belly, a slightly darker shade of purple leggings with cut out outer thighs with two thick leather belts that really accentuated her frame, and high heel knee high boots. 

I fell on some purple haired girl with a small frame knocking her out cold, my beenie fell off and my hair tie broke letting my curly brown hair fall out and poof up like normal covering my ears and making my head look small. 

"Hey dumb ass you interupted my fight, do you know who I am" she yells at me suddenly and I instinctively place my hands around my ears that are now ringing in pain.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt your fight, I fell off my friend's staff and I lost my glasses, um i hate to ask this of you after interrupting your fight but have you seen my glasses?” i ask as i get off the girl and start crawling around tapping my hands on the ground trying to find my glasses and i would feel thumping with a sound of a wet cloth was being slapped against a wet concrete every couple of seconds, i find my glasses and put them on and see a lot of purple goop, the purple emo kid is very winded.

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