Chapter 452 Level 2 Plane 23

  Tao Yaoyao looked at the ten elders, "We are leaving this plane, elders, do you really trust the academy?"

  "Then why worry?" Ninth Elder was puzzled She looked at Tao Yaoyao anxiously, she wanted to know what Tao Yaoyao was worried about?

  "Shouldn't you be worried? You have been protecting the academy before." Tao Yaoyao felt that the hearts of the ten elders were a little too big?

  "The people who take over our work now are not weaker than us?" Elder Ninth tilted his head, "We have trained them for a long time, if they can't even do this well, if they really meet Dangerous, that's what they deserve!"

  "That's right, little girl worrying about so many things to do, I think I've left the dean aside now, if you think it's dangerous, will I really do it? It will only be a mere hundred years after the war, and there will be no more chaos in a short time." The tenth elder said with certainty.

  "It's not that it can't be messed up. Everything in this world is gone. If you want to fight, there is nothing to fight. "

  While they were talking, suddenly there was a particularly huge water monster under the warship. The warship attacked.

  Thanks to Di Feiye's quick reaction, he immediately raised the warship by tens of meters, avoiding the attack of the water monster.

  "The level of this water monster has reached level 90." The tenth elder frowned, "In the last battle, the things in the water were not affected in any way."

  "That's right!"

  "The creatures on our land All of they were knocked back hundreds of years, except for the creatures in the water, which were not affected at all, and now they still want to attack us." The Sixth Elder said to Di Fei Ye, "Xiao Ye, blow them up. "

  " Won't it piss them off?"

  "So what if you irritate them?"

  "That's right, so what if you irritate them?"

  "We're not afraid of them!"

  Di Feiye flew up several hundred meters, and then looked at the water monster that was chasing them closely below, and started the first attack.

  Di Feiye didn't use a too powerful attack method, after all, that would destroy the sea area, He just used a small bubble bomb, only attacking the water monster.

  The water monster was hit by a bullet, which didn't break through its defense, but it angered it, and it jumped up with all its strength, and then saw that its height was almost reaching the current height of the warship, and then swung its tail, Seeing that the tail was about to hit the warship, Tao Yaoyao stood directly at the cabin door and threw out the demon vine. The demon vine directly tied the water monster tightly, and then Tao Yaoyao directly put it into her storage ring Well, there is no living thing in the storage ring, and the water monster stopped breathing as soon as it was put in.

  The ten elders were dumbfounded, can they still operate like this?

  I didn't expect their husband and wife to cooperate so tacitly.

  Afterwards, no water monsters attacked, and the warship flew to the shore smoothly. There were no forests or anything around this sea area.

  After Di Feiye stopped the warship, the group returned directly to the space. there was a sea monster's cry from the sea. The sound was very anxious and loud, but unfortunately the water monster was killed. Tao Yaoyao received it in the storage ring, if it was outside, she would definitely respond, because the voice was looking for it.

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